What can I do to resolve eczema

Ivy Asks Dale:

I have eczema and none of the drugs the doctors have given me help. What do you recommend?

Dale replies:

You are so far out of balance that the liver is not able to keep up and eczema is the result.

The correction is as follows:

The repair of the gut will take some lifestyle changes and some friendly bacteria.

This portion of my response was written by Bonnie O’Sullivan about 2005.

Dr. Alene Christiano states in Lifestyle Induced Dysbiosis Syndrome (LIDS), 2003, that LIDS is a set of symptoms or effects that are triggered when the number of beneficial flora decreases enough to alter the pH balance of the digestive tract. This imbalance of the gut microflora first sets off an imbalance in the digestive system, which effects homeostasis in every system in your body.

Dysbiosis was first identified and named by Dr. Elie Metchnikoff, a Russian physician. Dr. Metchnikoff believed that the toxins secreted by harmful organisms in the digestive system caused diseases and that beneficial bacteria could prevent many of them. He based his theory on the observation that the truly healthy, long-lived people of the Balkans ingested fermented milk products, such as freshly made yogurt and unprocessed buttermilk daily. That seemed to be the only difference in their lifestyle and the lifestyle of the rest of the people he observed. (Note: Yogurt is an effective way to replace the friendly bacteria in the body, if you do it the same way it has been done for centuries. It must be made daily with unprocessed milk and an active culture of live bacteria, and eaten immediately.)

The rest of my review of Dr. Alene Christiano’s book is in the form of an analogy:

Our intestines are like a football field with a game in progress.

The opposing team’s offensive lineup is made of Candida albicans (in its yeast form, preferably) and bad bacteria [E. Coli (cystitis), H. pylori (ulcers), Salmonella (food poisoning), Streptococcus (tonsillitis and other infections)]. All are normally found in the body, and our friendly bacteria is in charge of keeping them from harming us.

The opposing team’s defensive lineup is made of stress, antibiotics, processed food, junk foods, sodas, sugar, excess salt in food, synthetic food additives, agricultural chemicals, antacids such as Tums® or Tagamet®, anti-inflammatory drugs, steroids such as Prednisone®, pain pills, anti-anxiety pills, anti-yeast pills, anti-fungal pills, anti-seizure pills, cholesterol-lowering pills, high blood pressure pills, birth control pills, other prescription medicines, anything “medicated,” chlorinated water, chemically treated water, air pollution, polluted living and working environments, household chemical products, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.

The home team’s offensive lineup is made of the friendly bacteria that are always in our gut in varying amounts: L. acidophilus, L. rhamnosus, L. salivarius, L. casei, L. plantarum, L. lactis, L. bulgaricus, L. brevis, L. paracasei, L. gasseri, B. infantis, B. bifidum, B. lactis, B. longum, B. breve, and Streptococcus thermophilus (as supplements, these bacteria need refrigeration, are fragile and are easily damaged by heat or extreme cold, and excessive light, plus, when swallowed, they do not survive the acids and enzymes of the stomach).

The home team’s defensive lineup is made of:

Bacillus Coagulans

  1. Supplementing daily with Flora-G Plus AKA Bacillus Coagulans (L. sporogenes), the ingredient in Flora-G Plus, works by keeping our intestines slightly acid, which keeps Candida albicans — the yeast that becomes aggressive fungus when the pH of the intestinal environment is alkaline — in its harmless yeast form.   L. sporogenes is not damaged by heat, extreme cold, or excessive light and has consistently shown that it survives the acids and enzymes of the stomach without losing bacterial count, and reaches the intestines ready to begin its work. L. sporogenes must be taken daily, as it does not live long in the body.
  2. All of the following: avoiding everything in the opposing team’s defensive lineup (some exceptions are tolerated if you are taking Flora-G Plus), distilled water, eating organic food (whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and less than 5% of your calories in lean meats and poultry or fish), eating slowly and chewing food well, including in our diet 20 to 40 grams of fiber a day (lack of fiber causes the entire digestive tract to become sluggish, ideally the fiber will be coming from your primarily whole food diet), being active at minimum walking 30 minute per day (lack of exercise leads to a decrease in digestive enzymes and HCL), stretching often during the day to maintain healthy digestion, avoiding stress at mealtime (stress stops or slows the digestive process and disrupts the body’s natural rhythms), supplementing with digestive enzymes and or HCL tablets if needed (most older people have decreasing amounts of digestive enzymes and gastric acid), and supplementing with vitamins, angstrom size colloidal minerals, and fish oil. Also, if you often feel you are “stressed out” you could try; Acupressure, Meditation, Stress Counseling and/or Yoga.
  • If the opposing team wins the game we are subject to; irritability, anxiety, sudden mood changes, Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), foggy thinking, sudden energy loss, aching muscles, chronic fatigue, depression, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, bloating or belching, bad breath, sugar cravings, leaky gut syndrome, allergies, eczema, tingling feelings, numbness, traveling joint pain, Fibromyalgia, chronic/recurring bacterial and fungus infections, vaginal infections, Athlete’s foot, liver problems, kidney problems, obesity, infertility, high cholesterol, prostatitis, gastritis, gastroenteritis, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), , inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), colonic polyps, ulcerative colitis, Chron’s colitis or “Chron’s Disease,” diverticulosis, diverticulitis, and colorectal cancer.

Diseases of the colon and rectum that require surgery occur in more than 600,000 patients a year in the United States. The goal of colon surgery, or a colectomy, is to remove sections of the large bowel (colon) that are diseased and/or damaged, and linking the remaining sections together. Many times, after surgery, the patient is left with a temporary or permanent colostomy pouch.A colostomy is a surgical procedure that involves connecting a part of the colon onto the anterior abdominal wall, leaving the patient with an opening on the abdomen called a stoma. This opening is formed from the end of the large intestine drawn out through the incision and sutured to the skin. After a colostomy, feces leave the patient’s body through the stoma, and collect in a pouch attached to the patient’s abdomen, which is changed when necessary, usually once or twice a day.The amount of time it takes for the home team to win the game depends on how much of your intestinal tract (the length of the gastro-intestinal tract is between 28 and 30 feet, with a surface area of nearly 6,000 square feet) Candida albicans, in its fungus form, has taken over control and how determined you are to withstand any die-off symptoms you feel (tiredness/flu like feelings) as it dies off and reverts back to its yeast form. You can change the Candida albicans in your intestines from fungus to yeast gradually, with few die-off symptoms,  taking 2 Flora-G Plus capsules am and pm, gradually increasing to 4 Flora-G Plus capsules am and pm over a 2 to 3 month period. Continue for life.

and Back to Dale
Your liver is being overworked and mistreated from the gut imbalance, food additives, and the pharmaceuticals you have been given. I recommend you support your liver function with Liverite supplements at least until your symptoms are gone and if you can continue for life.

And  the 21-day detox Clear Multivite All IN ONE Vanilla  (will take three)

And Six months of Okra-Pepsin to gradually remove the mucus build-up that is impairing your ability to get all of the nutrients from the food you consume. This buildup is a result of your body being subjected to the multitude of food additives, artificial colors, and preservatives that come in foods that are packaged and restaurant foods.
Enema Bucket + Extension tube and Coffee Enemas
325 MG pancreatin 1000 count, dosage advice 