Six Month Recovery Deluxe Coaching Support Plan


Fine Tuning your recovery process can be challenging without a reporting system and a support system. I offer you the following: Initial comprehensive interview and development of written diet, detox, supplement, and emotional recovery plan. Twenty Four Hour Of Help These sessions will generally happen weekly over video conferencing tech knowledge. You may use your […]

SKU: SixMonthsSupportdelux


Fine Tuning your recovery process can be challenging without a reporting system and a support system.

I offer you the following:

Initial comprehensive interview and development of written diet, detox, supplement, and emotional recovery plan.

Twenty Four Hour Of Help

These sessions will generally happen weekly over video conferencing tech knowledge. You may use your computer, pad or phone to connect in. All calls are recorded and available for review as needed.

You can reach out for consultation with me up to one hour each time. My regular hourly rate to consult on health issues is only $250.00 when you purchase one hour. If you are the client who wants more support, and you have the resources to allow this level of support, select this choice for your support program.

This offer has some strings to it so please read carefully prior to your committing to this coaching program.

If you are the client who wants more support, and you have the resources to allow this level of support, select this choice for your support program.

You provide me a twice-monthly written update of your progress.

I will provide you with a template to communicate your progress, note any questions and a suggested everyday record-keeping system.

I will give you feedback and suggest adjustments to your diet and supplements and answer your questions.

I will review any testing you choose to have done (I recommend testing only after three full months).

This program is a one-one coaching-support process, most families will have all their answers during this time and will not require further full support. (I welcome and encourage communication with the family involved in addition to the person seeking recovery).

I will provide one monthly phone call if requested for clarification of instructions. (I may transition this to a group call to answer common questions as I see the need).

You will have access to all course material to study.

I have only a limited amount of time available to personally provide support and will limit enrollment accordingly.

My program is focused on the Dr. Kelley book “One Answer to Cancer.” Enzymes, Diet, Detox and Emotional Releasing are the four pillars of this program.

If this support level makes sense to you, and you understand that I will record the interactions for use in my education of others who need guidance but cannot afford the rate for this program. The content I create with these calls will be delivered in a password protected membership area, and your personal detail will be generalized to protect your identity.

If you are unwilling to follow my guidance please do not apply for my support.

Dale Maxwell,

Disease Recovery Coach


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You will receive the following materials immediately, please read the “How to Get the Most From Your Coach or Mentor” book first thing.

Once you have enrolled in this relationship, I will set up a folder on google docs for use to use in our process.

I will be looking for you to initially provide the following:

Using your digital camera or phone photograph your hands including the nails (best results are placing your hand on a well-lit subsurface as a kitchen counter.

Your face, an outdoor selfie so I can see clearly around your eyes – no makeup, please.

When you can enlist someone to help you a short video taken on a smooth surface like a walkway. The set up is as follows: with the camera on record the image of you walking away, when I can see your gate and position of each leg and foot, the movement and stride I will be looking for any miss-alignment in you hips, knees, ankles.  The position and flow of your shoulders and head will also give me a feel for your alignment and flexibility.

I may recommend this book: Ortho-Bionomy: A Path to Self-Care depending on my observations.

Detailed documents of any and all tests you have had done in the past seven or more years that you can locate. Any missing documents, I suggest you reach out to your medical provider for copies. Your recollections may not be accurate.


Goals for this Six Month  (One Hundred and Eighty Three Day Engagement):

  • Diet and gut health
  • Perfecting Detoxing
  • Clear understanding and management skills with supplementation of enzymes and nutrients.
  • Mastering the skill of releasing



