Pregnancy after 30 years of age has more risks, how to face the challenges

In many ways older women are better equipped for managing a family. In other ways there are more challenges. Below I will make a list for you to consider.

More difficult pregnancy.

Creating a child sucks huge amounts of minerals out of your body.

You can improve your odds by changing your diet to supplement massive amounts of angstrom size minerals. Best results come from green leafy vegetables. Increase healthy minerals before pregnancy, during pregnancy, and for several years after pregnancy.

Do a thorough liver detox and regeneration before pregnancy if possible.

Understand your metabolism and what is the best diet for you. The healthier you are, the healthier your offspring, needs. Nutritional needs are more important the older you are.

In my cancer consultations I see a very high percentage of women in their late forties and early fifties who gave birth in their thirties and now have cancer. They did not know they needed to make the above changes in their diet and lifestyle to continue to remain cancer free.

This post is not meant to be the whole story on pregnancy after thirty.
