MANDATORY California Childhood Vaccines REALLY ARE Made in China – And There Is NO Quality Control What-So-Ever…

There Are No Manufacturing Inspections, No Lot Testing, Nothing…

The Chinese Manufacturing Facilities ARE PRE-APPROVED  By the World Health Organization (WHO)…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Most, if not all, of the seventy-two (72) Childhood Vaccines FORCED on California children in order to go to school are made in any of the twenty-eight (28) Chinese vaccine manufacturing facilities.

China DOES NOT have a good reputation as a trustworthy manufacturer.

(1)  There are no product inspections of any kind performed at the Chinese manufacturing facilities.

(2)  There are NONE of the testing requirements the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires of US manufacturers.  NONE.

(3)  The US government gives China a free pass bringing whatever-is-in-those-vaccine-tubes into the United States.  US government agencies provide no testing, what-so-ever, of so-called vaccines brought in from China.

(4)  The US government gives China a free pass – not checking, at all, to see if those vaccines(?) have been transported under refrigerated, sterile, conditions to the US.

(5)  The US government makes NO EFFORT, what-so-ever, to protect US children from potential harm from Chinese manufacturers.

(6)  The State of California Department of Health is both complicit, and equally guilty, along with the Feds, of endangering California’s children – and I don’t think they care.

This Situation is Preposterous.  China has the WORST record of tainted products on Planet Earth…

Where do I start?

(1)  Let’s start with a short 50 second video…

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(2)  Then let’s look at another five minute video …

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(3)  Remember the Heparin scare?

From Wikipedia – In March 2008, major recalls of heparin, a substance widely used as an injectable anticoagulant, were announced by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) due to contamination of the raw heparin stock imported from China.[1][2][3]

The raw material for the recalled heparin batches was processed in China from pig’s intestines by the American pharmaceutical firm Scientific Protein Laboratories.[3][4][5] The U.S. Food and Drug Administration was quoted as stating that at least 81 deaths were believed to be linked to a raw heparin ingredient imported from the People’s Republic of China, and that they had also received 785 reports of serious injuries associated with the drug’s use.[6] 

Although supermarket labels may not always indicate it, a growing portion of the American diet is now made in China. In 2009 alone, 70 percent of the apple juice, 43 percent of the processed mushrooms, 22 percent of the frozen spinach and 78 percent of the tilapia Americans consumed came from China. But despite a well-documented pattern of chemical adulteration and unsafe drug residues, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has done little to address the growing tide of food imports from the nation. The FDA inspects less than 2 percent of imported food and rarely visits Chinese food manufacturers. Between 2009 and 2010, the FDA conducted only 13 food inspections in China.

fake bar codes on white backgroundYou should have ZERO confidence in Chinese made vaccines, or ANY food or medicinal  products – for good reason.

U.S. food safety inspectors have been overwhelmed by the surging food imports from China since the country joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001. These international business deals allow trade to trump food safety and encourage U.S. agribusinesses and food manufacturers to source food ingredients from China where environmental, food safety and labor laws are weaker and regulatory oversight is lax.

The shortcomings in China’s food safety system were brought to light when ingredients tainted with the chemical melamine entered the global food supply — including products from well-known brands such as Mars, Heinz and Cadbury.

I Could Go On With these Truthful Stories About Chinese Manufacturing For the Rest of the Year, and ALL of Next Year…

But, I am sure you get the idea…

Up in the article sub-title I said “The Chinese Manufacturing Facilities ARE PRE-APPROVED  By the World Health Organization (WHO)…”  Does that fact give you confidence?

It shouldn’t for a number of reasons.

(1)  The Roman Catholic Church Council of Bishops in the African country of Kenya last year pointed out the WHO laced millions of vaccines headed for child-bearing age Kenyan women with a sterilizing agent.  I wrote about that here.  Below is an excerpt:

“Let’s first mention what happened in the Czech Republic in 2009, where scientists there were horrified to discover that millions of Flu Shots provided to them, for national distribution, by the US company Baxter, were found to be laced with the deadly avian flu virus.  Read about that here.

But, what happened in Kenya, uncovered by 27 Bishops of the Roman Catholic Church, is, to me, the signpost for “The Plan.”  There, in Kenya, just three months ago, vaccines were used to permanently, and without their knowledge or permission, sterilize forty-two million (42 million) young Kenyan women.  The World Health Organization (WHO), and UNICEF, were caught, by the Catholic Church leadership, lacing what they described as “Tetanus Vaccine” with Beta-HCG, a hormone that, when combined with the ingredients in the Tetanus vaccine, leads to sterility.  As  the Catholic Church says “Once a mother develops antibodies against HCG, she rejects any pregnancy as soon as it starts growing in her womb thus causing repeated abortions and subsequent sterility.”

According to the Catholic Church, it is not the first time.  They have evidence that WHO has done this at least twice before in Mexico and the Philippines.

A copy of the article from the Catholic website which led me to the Kenyan Bishop’s letter can be accessed here.

(2) Then let’s hear from Dr. Dale Brown on how WHO REALLY handles Vaccines – those deaths in Southern Mexico.

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To Summarize – Dicky Pan knows all of this and he did it to California children anyway…

And, the California legislature, with NO research into the realities of vaccines, made them MANDATORY…

The State of California Health Department employees know all of this.  But, the new 2017 Audi, BMW, and Lexus models are almost out…

Am I painting THE REAL PICTURE of what’s going on, for you?

More to come.  Stay tuned…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Source: New feed
