Liverite or Jim’s RMA Liver Capsules — Which is best?


Sean Asks Dale:

Hi Dale, hope you’re good my friend. Progressing along well with the Kelley enzymes. Have about a two-month stock, so staying ahead of it. I did buy the Jims’ liver flush, about half way through the first bottle. I was wondering if you thought that product or the LiveRite was a better choice? Perhaps just preference. If I do stick with the Jims’, is it ok to split the dose 4&3 to get to seven? I guess so.

Thanks!!                    Sean


For best results follow Jim’s dosage instructions to the letter.

Jim’s and Liverite are two different things: Jim’s is a slow gentle liver flush. It’s generally used instead of a more harsh Liver Flush (you should have a copy of the Liver Cleansing Book — it came with your purchase of the Kelley Enzymes as a bonus, please read it as it explains in detail about the harsh Liver Flush).

Liverite is detoxing, rejuvenating support for the liver and you can use it on a daily basis without a problem.

You can, depending on your budget, take Liverite during the six months of the Jim’s Cleanse.

Please do not hesitate to ask me any question via skype or by using the message link in the lower right hand corner of this page.

Dale Maxwell,

Disease Recovery Coach

