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Category: Questions And Answers
What can I do to resolve eczema
Ivy Asks Dale:
I have eczema and none of the drugs the doctors have given me help. What do you recommend?
Dale replies:
You are so far out of balance that the liver is not able to keep up and eczema is the result.
The correction is as follows:
The repair of the gut will take some lifestyle changes and some friendly bacteria.
This portion of my response was written by Bonnie O’Sullivan about 2005.
Dr. Alene Christiano states in Lifestyle Induced Dysbiosis Syndrome (LIDS), 2003, that LIDS is a set of symptoms or effects that are triggered when the number of beneficial flora decreases enough to alter the pH balance of the digestive tract. This imbalance of the gut microflora first sets off an imbalance in the digestive system, which effects homeostasis in every system in your body.
Dysbiosis was first identified and named by Dr. Elie Metchnikoff, a Russian physician. Dr. Metchnikoff believed that the toxins secreted by harmful organisms in the digestive system caused diseases and that beneficial bacteria could prevent many of them. He based his theory on the observation that the truly healthy, long-lived people of the Balkans ingested fermented milk products, such as freshly made yogurt and unprocessed buttermilk daily. That seemed to be the only difference in their lifestyle and the lifestyle of the rest of the people he observed. (Note: Yogurt is an effective way to replace the friendly bacteria in the body, if you do it the same way it has been done for centuries. It must be made daily with unprocessed milk and an active culture of live bacteria, and eaten immediately.)
The rest of my review of Dr. Alene Christiano’s book is in the form of an analogy:
Our intestines are like a football field with a game in progress.
The opposing team’s offensive lineup is made of Candida albicans (in its yeast form, preferably) and bad bacteria [E. Coli (cystitis), H. pylori (ulcers), Salmonella (food poisoning), Streptococcus (tonsillitis and other infections)]. All are normally found in the body, and our friendly bacteria is in charge of keeping them from harming us.
The opposing team’s defensive lineup is made of stress, antibiotics, processed food, junk foods, sodas, sugar, excess salt in food, synthetic food additives, agricultural chemicals, antacids such as Tums® or Tagamet®, anti-inflammatory drugs, steroids such as Prednisone®, pain pills, anti-anxiety pills, anti-yeast pills, anti-fungal pills, anti-seizure pills, cholesterol-lowering pills, high blood pressure pills, birth control pills, other prescription medicines, anything “medicated,” chlorinated water, chemically treated water, air pollution, polluted living and working environments, household chemical products, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.
The home team’s offensive lineup is made of the friendly bacteria that are always in our gut in varying amounts: L. acidophilus, L. rhamnosus, L. salivarius, L. casei, L. plantarum, L. lactis, L. bulgaricus, L. brevis, L. paracasei, L. gasseri, B. infantis, B. bifidum, B. lactis, B. longum, B. breve, and Streptococcus thermophilus (as supplements, these bacteria need refrigeration, are fragile and are easily damaged by heat or extreme cold, and excessive light, plus, when swallowed, they do not survive the acids and enzymes of the stomach).
The home team’s defensive lineup is made of:
Bacillus Coagulans
- Supplementing daily with Flora-G Plus AKA Bacillus Coagulans (L. sporogenes), the ingredient in Flora-G Plus, works by keeping our intestines slightly acid, which keeps Candida albicans — the yeast that becomes aggressive fungus when the pH of the intestinal environment is alkaline — in its harmless yeast form. L. sporogenes is not damaged by heat, extreme cold, or excessive light and has consistently shown that it survives the acids and enzymes of the stomach without losing bacterial count, and reaches the intestines ready to begin its work. L. sporogenes must be taken daily, as it does not live long in the body.
- All of the following: avoiding everything in the opposing team’s defensive lineup (some exceptions are tolerated if you are taking Flora-G Plus), distilled water, eating organic food (whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and less than 5% of your calories in lean meats and poultry or fish), eating slowly and chewing food well, including in our diet 20 to 40 grams of fiber a day (lack of fiber causes the entire digestive tract to become sluggish, ideally the fiber will be coming from your primarily whole food diet), being active at minimum walking 30 minute per day (lack of exercise leads to a decrease in digestive enzymes and HCL), stretching often during the day to maintain healthy digestion, avoiding stress at mealtime (stress stops or slows the digestive process and disrupts the body’s natural rhythms), supplementing with digestive enzymes and or HCL tablets if needed (most older people have decreasing amounts of digestive enzymes and gastric acid), and supplementing with vitamins, angstrom size colloidal minerals, and fish oil. Also, if you often feel you are “stressed out” you could try; Acupressure, Meditation, Stress Counseling and/or Yoga.
- If the opposing team wins the game we are subject to; irritability, anxiety, sudden mood changes, Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), foggy thinking, sudden energy loss, aching muscles, chronic fatigue, depression, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, bloating or belching, bad breath, sugar cravings, leaky gut syndrome, allergies, eczema, tingling feelings, numbness, traveling joint pain, Fibromyalgia, chronic/recurring bacterial and fungus infections, vaginal infections, Athlete’s foot, liver problems, kidney problems, obesity, infertility, high cholesterol, prostatitis, gastritis, gastroenteritis, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), , inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), colonic polyps, ulcerative colitis, Chron’s colitis or “Chron’s Disease,” diverticulosis, diverticulitis, and colorectal cancer.
Diseases of the colon and rectum that require surgery occur in more than 600,000 patients a year in the United States. The goal of colon surgery, or a colectomy, is to remove sections of the large bowel (colon) that are diseased and/or damaged, and linking the remaining sections together. Many times, after surgery, the patient is left with a temporary or permanent colostomy pouch.A colostomy is a surgical procedure that involves connecting a part of the colon onto the anterior abdominal wall, leaving the patient with an opening on the abdomen called a stoma. This opening is formed from the end of the large intestine drawn out through the incision and sutured to the skin. After a colostomy, feces leave the patient’s body through the stoma, and collect in a pouch attached to the patient’s abdomen, which is changed when necessary, usually once or twice a day.The amount of time it takes for the home team to win the game depends on how much of your intestinal tract (the length of the gastro-intestinal tract is between 28 and 30 feet, with a surface area of nearly 6,000 square feet) Candida albicans, in its fungus form, has taken over control and how determined you are to withstand any die-off symptoms you feel (tiredness/flu like feelings) as it dies off and reverts back to its yeast form. You can change the Candida albicans in your intestines from fungus to yeast gradually, with few die-off symptoms, taking 2 Flora-G Plus capsules am and pm, gradually increasing to 4 Flora-G Plus capsules am and pm over a 2 to 3 month period. Continue for life.
and Back to DaleYour liver is being overworked and mistreated from the gut imbalance, food additives, and the pharmaceuticals you have been given. I recommend you support your liver function with Liverite supplements at least until your symptoms are gone and if you can continue for life.And the 21-day detox Clear Multivite All IN ONE Vanilla (will take three)
And Six months of Okra-Pepsin to gradually remove the mucus build-up that is impairing your ability to get all of the nutrients from the food you consume. This buildup is a result of your body being subjected to the multitude of food additives, artificial colors, and preservatives that come in foods that are packaged and restaurant foods.325 MG pancreatin 1000 count, dosage adviceCan you advise me regarding the food while traveling?
Can you advise me regarding the food while traveling? It will be impossible to control oil in food and ill be eating in restaurants all the time.
Most restaurants will accommodate your requests quite willingly especially if you contact them in advance.
Focus on minimally processed and seasoned foods. Lightly steamed or raw.
- Potatoes (baked) are a good option.
- If you are using the same restaurant over and over they may be willing to bake yams or sweet potatoes for you
- Bean dishes
Do not stress yourself when you stray from your diet a bit, enjoy.
Do I need to pay attention to food combining rules?
This post was inspired by Nawal when she provided the diet info:
I also eat a big bowl of salad (lettuces, cucumber, watermelon cubes or sweet melon cubes, shredded half green apple, pear, peach) I add two type of fruit each time as available. My dressing is celery juice with some lemon and dry herbs and salt added to it for taste
Some people can do well combining and other so so well. I would encourage you to log your results and do the following testing to see if you feel stronger and more satisfied by separation, with that my general observation with this meal is that it is not a green salad but a fruit salad.
Greens are generally fine in combination with most everything.
Greens and beans
Greens and fruit
Greens and grains
Greens and any starch
Getting the most out of seeds and nuts
This post was inspired by Nawal when she provided the diet info:
Then I eat a mixture of nuts almonds, walnut, cashew, pine nuts, pumpkin seeds.
The digestion challenge with nuts and seeds is their inherent survival design, they are meant to create a new copy of the plant or tree. They survive burial and then sprout into a plant or tree.
The have enzyme inhibitors to keep them from decomposing.
So you must do the following in order to get all the value from nuts and seeds:
- Soak overnight in distilled water
- Rinse well
- Physically break them up
I use running then through vitamix along with greens and cooked oatmeal
You may want to turn them into a paste or otherwise breaking them up into a butter consistency.
Consuming each individually or in combination will be a different taste and texture so mix it up and enjoy.
Please note that this also holds true in most every other grain and seed.
Corn heating briefly will help with digesting and breaking them up well with be critical.
Most people have been trained to soak beans and now you know why.
Why Diet 95 % whole food plant based 5% animal – no free flowing oils
Ask by Several People
Why do you recommend a diet of 95 % whole food plant based 5% animal – no free-flowing oils?
Time to document why I recommend this diet for most cancer recovery success.
I personally recommend a 100% plant base diet but if you cannot manage this then go for the 95% plant and measure everything carefully at first because the 95% is the calorie count and most people, at first, until they carefully measure and learn are guessing 5% when their numbers are way higher.
The science and research is clear to me and here are just some of the experts:
Plant Based Diet Education
Study these 3 Experts:
John McDougall MD
John McDougall MD Video: The Starch Solution – John McDougall MD
[svpGlobalVideo v=25]
Colin Campbell Phd
Video: Plant-Based Nutrition, presented by Dr. T. Colin Campbell
[svpGlobalVideo v=24]
Caldwell B. Esselstyn
Poor Nutrition: A Weapon of Mass Destruction
[svpGlobalVideo v=26]For Amazon Prime and other Video To TV Services: Player with Youtube also
How to tell if the cancer is going away?
Mere asks Dale
How to tell if the cancer is going away?
Each day our body replaces cells:
The death of the cell is called Apoptosis and is normal.
Between 50 and 70 billion cells die each day due to apoptosis in the average human adult.When your body replaces the cells with new cells that have been created you have homeostasis.If you are providing quality nutrition and complete digestion and absorption free from additives, pesticides and carcinogens, the new cells are “perfect.” In comparison, those who are consuming the standard foods may not be heading toward robust, disease-free healthy outcome.Cancer seems to turn off Apoptosis in the cancer cells rendering them immortal. The job of the pancreatic enzyme as I was taught by Dr. Kelley is to break the cells allowing the body to remove them and replace them with healthy cells.Since we seem to have a lot of cells I understand that recently, scientists have made a pretty good effort to count them. And their final count is…37.2 trillion. Calculating the number of cells in the human body is tricky, so figure this is a “ball park” number.Dr. Kelley would tell people it will take between six months and eighteen months to rid the body of measurable cancer.In my experience, your body will tell you when it no longer needs therapeutic amounts of enzymes. Read about butt burning here.How do I tell if the enzymes are working?
Syd asks Dale
How do I tell if the enzymes are working?
Here is a video that answers the question:
[svpGlobalVideo v=23]
Read more, on how to tell if you are taking too many enzymes here.
How do I get off 14 drugs and recover from cancer
I. S. asks Dale
How do I get off 14 drugs and recover from cancer?
Including multiple, blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, acid (stomach) blocker, anti-psychotics.
Here is the list of areas we will need to work on.
- Detox
- Managing the process of reducing the drugs
- Diet
- Dealing with the emotions of the past events
- Enzymes
Part one detox and liver support
Detoxing will include multiple coffee enemas.
And a modified version of the 21-day detox for your case.
Clear MultiVite All In One
You will consume one serving per day of the Clear MultiVite All In One each day for 21 days, then test moving to two servings per day, if you react to two serving well then 21 days at two servings. If not stay on one serving per day for another 21 days then test again.
When you can manage two serving each day, take two serving each day, one AM and one PM, for 21 days then test three servings day following the above instructions.
At the same time: Liver support with LiveRite
Begin also to take four capsules AM and four capsules PM. These are best taken away from food if you can manage. Take these for four months and then we will consider reducing to two AM and two PM, depending on your success in reducing the pharmaceuticals.
Okra-Pepsin, these are taken one capsule, three times per day with food, the goal with this supplement is to begin to remove the built up mucus gently in the small intestine. Any build-up of mucus will reduce the ability of nutrition to pass successfully into the body. Mucus is the bodies way 0f defending itself and based on the pre-coaching document you have provided you will need this supplement.
At the same time: Okra-pepsin, to improve your ability to successfully absorb nutrients
Okra-pepsin is taken for six months minimum, begin counting the time after your diet has been the transitioned to a Vegan, whole food, free of flowing oils.
Two Home Made Stove Top Breads
Submitted and shared by Nawal
I am making bread from quinoa flour and buckwheat flour no oil just flour and water.
Ok, I am doing another type of bread its called dosa is Indian food. It is a mixture of lentils or legumes and brown rice. The lentils and legumes and rice are soaked in water over night. in the morning, it’s a little bit fermented. I keep water one side, put the stuff in a blender and blend adding that water according to need until a liquidy dough if formed. Then I cook it as crepe in a noon stick fry pan, no oil at all
Yes, the bread is made into a dough, the I spread it flat and cook it on the nonstick pan. I bought a stainless steel fry pan coated with ceramic.
Thanks for the feedback.
My preference for frying pans is stainless steel, I like the ones marketed as “waterless” they have multiple layers, seven or nine. Or if you want an electric skillet, it would be an oil core stainless.
Here is the link to the waterless cookware
I use waterless cookware exclusively when I cook.
Some vegetables do not need any water – most use about an eight of an inch in the bottom of the pan then fill 2/3 of the pot with veggies and set on medium. Put on the lid. Most will whistle, or click. Then turn to close the valve and take off heat. In 3-5 minutes cooked to perfection.
I had corn on the cob cooked this way today, first of the season, and it was sweet as sugar (as I remember sugar.)
Who Says Eggs Aren’t Healthy or Safe?
In reviewing Ann’s Diet, I suggested that eliminating eggs will potentially help speed her recovery from breast cancer.
Here is why the USDA says eggs cannot be labeled as safe or healthy, please watch the video and see the proof.
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What to do to Avoid Cataract Surgery
Peter Asks Dale
What to do to Avoid Cataract Surgery?
- Distilled water only, drink plenty ( Dirty Water Warning Book )
- See Again or Eye Support Plus
- 21-day detox (scroll down for instructions)
- LiveRite Liver Support
- As close as you can manage to a vegan, whole foods plant based diet
- Read the Bates Method Book (Vision strengthening)
- 45 minutes per day minimum movement, walking is fine.
- Coffee Enemas to Support detoxing (as needed)
- Relax, it took years to create cataracts, but you may see improvement in as little as a few weeks, but do not go back to your old habits.
Enzyme Dosage for Prevention / Maintenance
Marjo asks Dale
Enzyme Dosage for Prevention / Maintenance after cancer recovery?
Your body will tell you if you press the number of enzymes by gradually increasing the dosage until you notice the burning butt. The burn is caused by the enzymes passing through and not being used by the body.
My understanding is what happens when you get older is the capacity of the pancreas is no longer creating enough to do the complete job of digesting food and cleaning all the mutant cells.
The pancreas is robust and is capable of recovery when treated with a whole food plant based diet along with the enzymes. It took me just over two years to get back to the point that even a tiny amount of pancreatic enzymes will cause a bit of butt burning after just a day or two.
I think most people will never get to this point in recovery and repair because they are not as much of a fanatic about food as I have become.
The Instructions for testing are located here: Be sure and watch my video where
I elaborate on the text.
Remember also that the over 3000 food additives the FDA has classified as GRAS (generally recognised as safe) will challenge your ability to heal and regenerate, so commercially prepared foods, at least in my experience will keep you from getting to the point you no longer need any enzyme supplements.