Category: Questions And Answers

  • Beth, 69 yr old Female Questionnaire Review


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    Diet – more balance, less oil


    NO OIL! Really, NO oil! Webinar 03/17/16 Dr. McDougall


    Root Canal Removal Resources


    Dr. John McDougall discusses the topic of Cancer. Can a healthy diet slow and/or stop most cancers?

    I specifically recommend as much raw whole foods as you can manage, testing yourself by keeping a log and noting results of diet changes as well as any supplements you may add to the Kelley program.

    Also, test if you feel better when using the Vitamix to break the food down. Many people have found that the smaller pieces of raw foods yield an improved digestion. This in addition to consuming enzymes thirty minutes prior to eating will assure better production of new cells.

    Pancreatic Enzyme Capsules or Tablets? What is Best For You?


    Enzymes to be taken well away from food:


    Additional Supplies:

    Potassium is taken to replace some of the electrolytes flushed out with multiple coffee enemas

    Potassium Compound Salts, 100 Grams, Powder


    Okra pepsin is taken for six months to clean out the mucus that has built up in the small intestine due to past consumption of packaged and processed foods.

    Standard Process Okra Pepsin E3, 150 Capsules (50 day supply)

    Iodine is commonly used

    Iodoral, 12.5 mg. 90 tablets (may substitute practitioner version)

    Ongoing Liver Support

    I recommend Clear Multivite all in one as a better alternative to cellect

    Try one container and see if you agree


    If you feel “run down” you may need to supplement iron (just pay attention and see if you need it)

    True Chelate, Iron and Methyl Homocysteine Regulate 60 Caps Each

    To rebuild your gut, one or two containers of clinical strength probiotics



    Other questions? Please check the support blog first and then submit any question to me that you did not find an answer to your satisfaction.

    Search using the search feature at the bottom of all pages, or visit and browse the answers/










  • Supplements for Vision Repair

    BF asks Dale for guidance on vision challenges.

    Dale Responds

    Cataracts a medical condition in which the lens of the eye becomes progressively opaque, resulting in blurred vision.

    If your body is starved for quality plant nutrition, green leafy vegetables deliver calcium in the angstrom size (ready for use, not requiring further breakdown of the size by digestion) and you ingest calcium that is bigger (supplements, tap water, mineral water etc) your body will store the calcium in the hope it will be able to break it down and use it later. This storage is a key component in arthritis and cataracts.

    If your digestive system is working perfectly all you need to do is consume a 95% plant (by calories) and distilled water.

    If you have sustained damage (gall bladder removal for instance), learning how much supplementation of pancreatic enzymes is advised.

    See Again for some herbal nutrients and as an eye wash will assist and should be included.

    Complete Liver support is recommended to support and regenerate your liver is working hard and with no gallbladder, for you, it is more important.





  • Cancer Battle – Chemo not working

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    Understanding what the drugs do and why they are not a long-term solution.

    Please research each and understand the short and long-term damage each one can cause and well as look up the known drug interactions (not by any means a completely understood.)

    Link to find Drug Interaction lookups.

    Protocol recommended

    21-day detox


    Re-inoculate Gut Bacteria

    Six months on okra-pepsin to improve absorption of nutrients



    Potassium salts to supplement Electrolyte loss from multiple coffee-enemas


    Enzymes to support immune system and digest cancer


    Tablets or capsules for thirty minutes before eating 


    Detoxing Options with Dr. Ashkar Method




  • Why Don’t You Sell Acidoll?

    Mary Asks Dale

    Why Don’t You Sell Acidoll?

    Dale Answers

    To me, the product makes little logic in it combinesBetaine HCL and Pepsin with Pancreatin

    Betaine HCL to increase acid in stomach

    According to Betaine HCl significantly lowered gastric pH by 4.5 (± 0.5) units from 5.2 (± 0.5) to 0.6 (± 0.2) (P < 0.001) during the 30 min interval after administration. The onset of effect of betaine HCl was rapid, with a mean time to pH < 3 of 6.3 (± 4.3) min. The reacidification period was temporary with a gastric pH < 3 and < 4 lasting 73 (± 33) and 77 (± 30) min, respectively. Betaine HCl was well tolerated by all subjects. In healthy volunteers with pharmacologically induced hypochlorhydria, betaine HCl was effective at temporarily lowering gastric pH.

    Pepsin is a PH of 1.5 – 1.6 and works in the stomach

    And Pancreatin with is a BASE (alkaline) with a  pH 9.0 (Google it) and is never naturally present in the stomach It is delivered into the small intestine after the stomach is done breaking down the food particles and along with the other fluids issued when the stomach squirts the liquid food (Chime) has to neutralize the acid because after the stomach the balance of the transit of nutrient and waste has to be a bit alkaline.

    I recommend pancreatic enzymes be consumed thirty minutes prior to food in order or them to pass peacefully through the stomach leading in the small intestine and be ready for the food after the stomach is done with its job.

    So Below are the two products to consume

    To increase stomach acid

    Betaine Hydrochloric Acid (HCL), 325 mg., 100 Capsules


    In increase Pancreatin in small intestine

    Pancreatic Enzyme Capsules or Tablets? What is Best For You?


    How to calculate needed enzymes

    Pancreatin, 1200 mg, 1,000 Capsules, Take 30 Minutes Before Food


  • Non-cancer Immune and digestion challange

    MV asks Dale (in completed questionnaire):

    Aches, Pains, and Concerns:

    Pain Frequency and duration intestinal? Pain (low back), jaw pain, leg pain, arm pain, swollen fingers, stiff hands, Hashimoto’s, neck pain, swollen throat, itchy throat, burning face and eyes, congested nose, watery eyes, burning tongue, constipation, low elastase, internal tremors as a reaction to certain food, ear eczema, fluid from the ears, cheek pressure, nausea from heavy foods, abdominal pain….


    Dale Responds:

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    21-day detox with Clear Multivite


    Liver Support

    Liver Support: Initial two months at 4 Caps AM and 4 Caps PM then reduce to 2 AM and 2 PM. If you notice any return of discomfort, go back to the higher dose.

    Re-introduce Gut Bacteria

    For you, I suggest two Bottles are needed.


    Remove the Root Canals

    This is likely either the cause or a contribution to your autoimmune problem.  Do not believe me blindly, here is the science:

    Root Canal Removal Resources



    Diet Plant:

    Why Diet 95 % whole food plant based 5% animal – no free flowing oils


    Increase your body’s ability to absorb nutrition with six months of Okra Pepsin

    Standard Process Okra Pepsin E3, 150 Capsules (50 day supply)

    Low Elastase

    You may want to test consuming Solozyme away from food to assist in healing your pancreas and if you can afford to uses before meals will help better than the 325 normally used with food This is due to the fact that the USP enzyme dows not have the trypsin that is needed for elastase to be activated.

    Support digestion with some Pancreatin

    Pancreatic Enzyme Capsules or Tablets? What is Best For You?

    How to Figure out how much Pancreatin:

    Pancreatin, 1200 mg, 1,000 Capsules, Take 30 Minutes Before Food


  • Are grapes, dates, raisins and dry figs good to eat?

    PB Asks: Hello Dale, Are grapes, dates, raisins and dry figs good to eat?

    Dale Responds:

    • Dried fruits may have preservatives added, which should be avoided.
    • Much more calories per ounce.
    • Best to eat the fruit (organic) that is fresh when you can.

    Dr. Gregor comments on dried fruits:

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    Which Fruit Fights Cancer Better?

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  • Unable to Afford Full Kelley Enzyme Amount – What Amount Will Help?

    Asked by AH: My brother is finally getting serious about fighting cancer but is unwilling or unable to spend the money needed to follow the full Kelley Program, how many enzymes does it take to do some good?

    Response from Dale:

    Here is the analogy I frequently share when asked this question:

    Imagine looking out on the horizon, to the far left is the 0% enzyme amount location and to the far right is the “Therapeutic Enzyme Amount (54 grams per day)” location.

    Somewhere near the middle of the line is the homeostasis amount. This is the amount of enzymes needed for your body to maintain it’s free-from-cancer status (this is when the proper amount of enzymes are created daily by your pancreas to seek and destroy any anomalous cells as they are identified by your immune system). When cancer is present it means that, at some point in the past, the amount of cancer stimulants in your body overwhelmed your pancreas’ ability to produce enough enzymes to keep you cancer-free and it began to lose the battle.

    The amount of enzymes needed to stop more cancer from developing will vary greatly from person to person and I cannot name a number that is the “ideal” number for your brother. The more enzymes consumed the more likely the cancer load is going to be lessened.

    The Kelley Enzymes are superior in braking a tumor to the 1200 USP tablet pancreatin due to the difference in the ability to break through the membrane protecting tumor cancers.

    The reason we start with 54 grams per day of enzymes is because that amount has proven to be the amount needed to destroy cancer cells as well as digest the food that is eaten daily. As the balance point moves toward the amount needed to maintain homeostasis the “maintenance” dosage changes.

    Read about the difference between the pancreatin products here:

    Two Kelley Enzymes – How they Differ?

    Read the document on maintenance called “Question: How many pancreatic enzymes should I take with each meal?” link below:

    Pancreatin, 1200 mg, 1,000 Capsules, Take 30 Minutes Before Food



  • General Cancer Recovery Kelley Dosages


    I have bladder cancer I have refused chemo and surgery researching all avenues I can for an alternative please can you advise me which enzymes I need?

    Thank you, Annie UK


    Dale Responds:
    Two Products (Kelley Solozyme well away from food)

    and 1200 pancreatin tablets 30 minutes before food

    General Suggested protocol

    Colon Balance | How to repair and rebalance your healthy Gut

  • What is the purpose of taking large dose of 1200 (8 tablets) when the fact 1-3 of 1200 is enough to digest the food we eat?

    AE Asks: What is the purpose of taking a large dose of 1200 (8 tablets) when the fact 1-3 of 1200 is enough to digest the food we eat?

    Dale Responds: How do you know 1-3 is enough? Any extra that is left over after digesting food will go into the blood stream and digest unwelcome debris floating in the blood, then will seek out cells that are mutant – that is the purpose – thanks for asking.



  • I’ve completed the first 25 days of Pancreatic enzymes. What’s the next step?

    Roger asks: I’ve completed the first 25 days of Pancreatic enzymes.  What’s the next step?

    Dale Responds:

    Congratulations, Lets review, you have had some challenges and mastered some new experiences, now is the five days off while continuing the coffee enemas.

    The process of removing cancer, according to Dr. Kelley takes most cases between six months and eighteen months. Cancer you have is generally controlled in the shorter range of time.


    What are you noticing in your body?

    Are you practicing releasing techniques daily?

    How are your bowels doing?

    Have you addressed the teeth?

    How is the diet doing?

    Do you need a more hands-on support arrangement? This option could be right for you.

    Six Month Recovery Support Plan





  • I “develop” allergies to enzyme after a couple of weeks – what to do?

    Mr Dale, I always develop allergy after a couple weeks of 1200 pancreatin. Dose it ok to switch to digest ultimate?

    Dale’s Answer: What is happening is the classic liver overflow.

    The solution is to increase coffee enemas to five per day.

    If this does not resolve your symptoms.

    From Dr Kelley’s book “One Answer to Cancer”

    “On” Cycle
    Take the Metabolic Formulas for 10 or more days, until one becomes toxic, but no longer than 25 days.

    Stop If You Feel Sick

    If you become Toxic (a ‘goopy’ sick feeling), ill, nauseated, crabby, have an elevated temperature, or violent headache.

    Stop taking the Metabolic Formulas. (enzymes)

    It is best to stay On your Metabolic Formulas for 10 to 25 days. However, when you suffer negative symptoms anytime after the third day you may Stop taking them at that point.

    It is best to continue for 25 days or until toxicity forces one to Stop. “Off” Cycle Remain Off the Metabolic Formulas for 5 days. You must give the body time to detoxify. Stay Off the Metabolic Formulas the full 5 days even if you feel well enough to continue. Give your body time for repair and rebuilding. You must continue your detoxification program during the “Off” cycle. (See Chapter IV.)


  • MV


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