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Category: Questions And Answers
Enzyme Questions
Bill Asks Dale:
Good morning Dale,
I just sent you these same questions via you website – not sure the best way to communicate with you.
Please do not hesitate to ask me any question via Skype or the message link in the lower right-hand corner of the webpage at
www.jimscolonpills.comDale Maxwell,
Disease Recovery Coach
1) I have noticed that my urine smells like the PEP tablets. This to be expected I assume?
2) I have four calcium oxalate kidney stones, two in each kidney. Any chance the PEP and or the pancreatic enzymes will dissolve the kidney stones?
1 – Not unusual, The minimum amount of distilled water recommended is 1/2 ounce for each pound of body weight each 24 hours. Additional water when active 8 ounces for each 20 minutes.
Plus any juices, teas etc., they do not count as water.
Increasing water intake will dilute the smell for most people.
2 – Stones are frequently from a combination of drinking other than distilled water and not enough volume of water.
Calcium buildup may also occur in soft tissue, joints etc. If the stones are encapsulated in protein the enzymes will assist. Most people find relief just from correct intake of distilled water
3) Am I correct in assuming that if I take enough of the pancreatic enzymes before meals I should not have the pancreatic (?) pain I have been having?
Pain is managed by the coffee enemas, the enzymes will be a gradual relief and over doing the therapeutic dose will not change this. The enzymes consumed 30 minutes prior to meals is to support digestion. The enzymes consumed well away from meals 90 minutes before and after go to digest any damaged cells.
4) on a related note, thinking about it, I am surprised that your directions are to take the pancreatic enzymes 30 minutes before meals. It seems like they will be in the bloodstream by the time I eat a meal, much like the PEP capsules are.
When the food is released from the stomach (called Chyme). The reason for consuming enzymes before the meal is to get the enzymes past the stomach before eating because enzymes are alkaline and taken with food will reduce the stomach acid and causes some of the enzymes to be consumed by the acid. The net result will be less effective.
Lastly, I am 8 days into religiously taking the 12 PEP 3X/day on an empty stomach. No adverse reactions/symptoms yet. Still experiencing the pains. Suggestions?
Pain is the most common result of the liver overflowing, some people get headaches other have pain in other places. Everyone want instant results, manage the pain with coffee enemas.
If you cannot manage pain with five enemas in a 24-hour period the recommendation in Dr. Kelley’s book is to take you five-day break in the consumption of enzymes early, instead of you waiting the 25 days to take the time off. Continue the coffee enemas.
Thanks for your help.
Please do not hesitate to ask me any question via Skype or the message link in the lower right-hand corner of the webpage at
www.jimscolonpills.comDale Maxwell,
Disease Recovery Coach
Enzyme Timing and Is it a waste of enzymes?
Ann Asks Dale:
Hi again, Dale: questions: 1) do I take Liverite with food? 2) sometimes I take before food enzymes, drink juice 30 min later, but don’t get back to eating until an hour or hour and a half, which puts the end of my meal at 2 hrs after taking the enzymes. Does this waste the enzymes?
1- LiveRite is best taken away from food (I suggest a half hour before eating).
2- Enzymes taken well away (one and a half hours before eating) from food are used to clean up the body. Enzymes taken thirty minutes before food are primarily used to digest the food. Nothing Is Wasted.
You may, if you can manage, divide the enzyme portion and take some at the beginning, then the balance thirty minutes before you “get back” to finishing, this could work better for you.
Please note that when you take enzymes “with” food, the stomach will digest some of the enzymes and the alkalinity of the enzymes will neutralize some of the stomach acid, potentially making the process of the stomach less effective.
Please do not hesitate to ask me any question via Skype or the message link in the lower right-hand corner of the webpage at
Dale Maxwell,
Disease Recovery Coach
Bad Flu Started Decline In Health?
Here is my recap of your multi-page document:
- Afraid will lose weight if reduce animal intake.
- Daily pain and discomfort.
- Mouth full of root canals (Highest Number of Root Canals I have seen D.) and resists removing them.
- Took just a tiny amount of enzymes and felt miserable.
- Only taking one coffee enema per day and struggling with results.
- Not successful with current stress reduction program.
1 – To reduce the amount of load on your body from animal proteins you will need to learn how to eat enough dense plant material to offset the calories you are getting from the animal protein.
Here is a link to get you started:
2 and 5 – You need to learn how to do five successful coffee enemas per day.
Here is a link to get you started:
3 and 4 – In my opinion the root canal teeth need to be removed. Dr. Kelley would advise you go on the therapeutic dosage of the pancreatic enzymes for a month or two to reduce the cancer load and then handle the teeth.
The burden on your liver is massive just from the root canals, so I suggest a detox and support:
I suggest Liver Support and a liver detox protocol, I am sending you instructions for the liver detox.
4 – Feeling miserable from a few enzymes is a reflection of the condition of your liver. Do the 21-day detox and take the LiveRite supplements and begin to explore how many enzymes you can manage. As you improve your liver function, I expect you to be able to increase gently the number of enzymes you can manage.
6 – Follow my instruction in the emotions collection documents.
Removing Root Canals – Is there a Shortcut?
Leo Asks Dale:
Dental issues – we’ve contacted the organization you’ve recommended and got a list of doctors in our area (and have talked to one of them), however, our understanding is that the only working solution here is removing all root canal teeth and replacing them with implants. This may take years and cost a fortune. We’ll try our best in this direction, but is there a temporary solution that may overcome the damage done by root canals (supplements, some daily routine, etc.) as we don’t want to delay our treatment indefinitely?
The challenge for your body is that every moment of every day that every root canal is still in the body it is producing toxins because it is harboring bacteria. The bacteria are producing toxic waste that is flowing into the body and challenging your clean up system; it’s just one more thing for the body to overcome. No magic pill (or sterilizing system) will stop bacteria from living and producing toxic waste in a root canal tooth. It is a dead tooth; it was killed when the root canal was created by removing the nerves and flow of nutrition in and metabolic waste out.
It would be unthinkable to leave any other dead part attached to a body. More than 15 million root canals are performed each year in the USA at an average of $1000 each. Each one places a burden on the immune system of it owner, and many will suffer.
Please do not hesitate to ask me any question via Skype or the message link in the lower right-hand corner of the page.
Dale Maxwell,
Disease Recovery Coach
hard lymph nodes getting larger
Michael Asks Dale:
QUESTION – hard lymph nodes getting larger
Dale’s additional questions in regular font and Michael’s answers in Bold
What is the total number of Solozyme enzymes consumed in each 24 hours? – 54 grams/day (6 dosages @ 12 capsules every 24 hrs = 72 capsules in 24 hrs)… Except two days a week I sometimes only get 45 grams a day (5 dosages @ 12 capsules in 24 hours = 60 capsules in 24 hrs).
And the total number of 1200 enzyme tablets? – On average, 5/ea of the 1200’s per a given week. So some days I don’t take any 1200’s.
I am attempting to see how many grams of enzymes you are consuming.
Suggest you soak the extension tube in hydrogen peroxide once a week to clean it out on the inside (the drug store 3 percent hydrogen peroxide is fine) some staining is going to be normal. – ok. Thanks. Was worried that I’m giving myself some bad pathogens, hence the lymph nodes.
How many ounces of distilled water are you consuming in each 24 hours? – ¾ of a quart every time I take enzymes, then probably 1 pint in between. I try not to drink with or 2 hrs after meals.
On the days, you are not working can you get more coffee enemas? – I can try that. I start to feel very agitated and jittery, like an “out of body spacey” feeling at 3x per day, but I’ll try.
Also, if you can get an additional enema in earlier in the day before work instead of after work – this may work better for you. – thanks for the suggestion.
Are you using a far-infrared lamp to stimulate circulation in the armpit area? (do not get too close and get a “sunburn”) – I was but slacked off last two weeks. Good idea. that you have provided more detail, the problem is clear to me. You are putting more debris (broken cancer cells) into your system than your body can detox given the limitations you are working under (not taking five enemas per 24 hours and continuing to work).
Your lymph system is congested because of the toxic load you are putting on your body.
My suggestions based on this limitation:
If you continue, you must reduce the number of enzymes you consume each 24 hours to a level that is in balance to the detoxing you can manage.
Immediately stop taking all enzymes for five days and continue with 3 or more enemas per 24 hours – keep a log and send me a copy with the details.
Then, on the sixth day, I suggest you reduce the Kelley enzymes to 10 three times per day and use the 1200’s (five tablets) three times per day and see if your congested lymph clears up.
Kelley enzymes 10 X 3 = 30 X 750 mg = 22.5 grams
1200 Tablets 30 minutes prior to eating 3 X 5 = 15 X 1200 = 18 grams
This is a total of just over 40 grams per each 24 hour period, which should be enough to slowly reduce your cancer and may resolve the lymph congestion.
If this does not resolve the problem, you will need to reduce the enzymes further.
And Mike’s Response:
Hi Dale,
I’m coming up on my off cycle soon, and will do this, with the Navarro test at the end of the off cycle.
I’ve kept a daily log since early August, so feedback should be no problem.
The IR heat lamp treatment last night stopped the pain sufficiently so I could sleep better.
Thank you
Please do not hesitate to ask me any question via skype or the message link in the lower right-hand corner of the page.
Dale Maxwell,
Disease Recovery Coach
I have two boxes of supplements and don’t know which ones to take.
Susan Asks Dale:
Good talking with you today and thank you so much for your help. I have two boxes of supplements and don’t know which ones to take. For now in this email, I’m asking about the Pancreas Ovine from NSI 425 mg and lymph ovine as well from the same company it seems. Thank you so much, Susan
Pancreas Ovine 425 mg or Ovine lymph was never to my knowledge used or recommended by Dr Kelley as a substitute for Pancrease porcine (PEP and SoloZyme are both porcine – from Pig).
A lamb is not an omnivore and would not be able to digest the variety of foods consumed by a pig or a human. So the result is likely to be less effective for digesting cancer.
As to the suggested therapeutic dosage, I can not help you with this. Perhaps the person who provided you with these enzymes could give you some instructions.
On the manufacturers website the directions are published:
“Suggested Use:
“As a dietary supplement, one capsule three times daily, taken 1/2 to 1 hour before each meal, or as directed by a healthcare practitioner.”
“Pancreas Natural Glandular Lamb may be used in rotation with Pancreas Natural Glandular Beef and Pork.” From Nutricology
Based on this information they would be used as a digestive aid for a plant based diet and not for digesting cancer.
The Kelley Suggested therapeutic dosages are:
9 Grams (12 Kelley Enzymes 750 mg each) 1 and 1/2 hours away from food three times per day.
9 Grams (for economy, I substitute the 1200 mg pancreatin USP) taken 1/2 to 1 hour before each meal (this would be 8 1200 mg tablets).
My best guess for the Ovine pancreas would be a direct mg for mg substitution. However, I think using it up over time in smaller amounts as a portion of the Nine Grams before meals will be more effective.
So I would use two of the 425 mg Ovine plus seven of the 1200 Porcine Pancreatin, a total of 9250 mg 30 minutes or more before meals. And 12 of the Kelley Enzymes three times per day well away from food.
The Ovine Lymph should be used the same way that liver tablets are used – as a food source.
Reminder: when taking theraputic amounts of pancreatic enzymes you will need to take coffee enemas. Read about enemas here:
Thank you for asking for guidance. Dale
Please do not hesitate to ask me any question via skype or the message link in the lower right-hand corner of the page.
Dale Maxwell,
Disease Recovery Coach
Got very sick on enzymes in severe pain for 2 days on right side of stomach, quit taking enzymes increased enemas , 3rd day started getting better.
Diana asks Dale
Got very sick on enzymes in severe pain for 2 days on the right side of stomach, quit taking enzymes increased enemas, 3rd day started getting better. Now I am doing just the Cellect And Flax Seed Oil and Cottage Cheese. Was going off Enzymes in a week anyway, because had a Doctor appointment Blood work and so on.
Considering you were not doing the full five coffee enemas each day to get the toxins out of the liver stoping was the correct thing to do.
A major key to recovery is getting the broken cancer cells (toxins) out of the liver where they are collected, so please take up to five coffee enemas per day to manage pain etc.
You have not been getting the toxins out fast enough.Read what I have written in response to enema question here:Please do not hesitate to ask me any question via skype or the message link in the lower right-hand corner of the page.
Dale Maxwell,
Disease Recovery Coach
Worried about PH Level going down to the acidic level.
Diana Asks Dale
Worried about PH Level going down to the acidic level. How do I get it back to an Alkaline level? Not allowed to use Alkaline Water? You had also said you had a book on Sciatic pain, which you would send me in PDF File.
Everything plant (green especially) produces alkaline, animal products produce acid.
Do you have any symptoms of being acid? Other than the testing you have done?
Here is the book I recommend:
Please do not hesitate to ask me any question via Skype or the message link in the lower right-hand corner of the page.
Dale Maxwell,
Disease Recovery Coach
What about parasite cleansing formula?
Leo Asks Dale:
What about parasite cleansing formula? Do you have one?
When you consume a therapeutic amount of Pancreatic Enzymes, the enzymes will destroy any parasites so an additional parasite cleanse is not needed.
Please do not hesitate to ask me any question via skype or the message link in the lower right-hand corner of the page.
Dale Maxwell,
Disease Recovery Coach
How often should we do enemas?
Leo Asks Dale:
How often should we do enemas?
Coffee enemas are done in order to remove the toxins (created by the enzymes breaking up the cancer) from the body.
A minimum of one coffee enema a day is required when you are on a therapeutic dose of pancreatic enzymes. In Dr. Kelley’s Book, “One Answer To Cancer,” he recommends up to five each day as needed. If you have liver overflow symptoms such as headaches, nausea or pain that are not managed with five coffee enemas the recommendation is to take a break from the enzymes for five days and then resume the enzymes, continuing the five enemas each day during the break from the enzymes.
Please do not hesitate to ask me any question via skype or the message link in the lower right-hand corner of the page.
Dale Maxwell,
Disease Recovery Coach
Why a Coffee Enema?
Leo Asks Dale:
Can we do a soda or plain water enema instead of a coffee one?
No other enema does what a coffee enema does.
The caffeine in the coffee enema causes the liver and gallbladder to dilate dumping the toxin-laden bile.
To get the toxins out quickly, there is nothing else you can do to substitute a coffee enema.
A water enema is good for hydrating and often used before a coffee enema to prevent the jitters. When you get jittery after taking a coffee enema it’s due to your body being dehydrated, which causes the caffeine in the coffee to be absorbed into the bloodstream and not properly getting to the liver and gallbladder. A water enema will hydrate you and, when you take a coffee enema immediately afterward, the caffeine will get to the liver and gallbladder.
Please do not hesitate to ask me any question via skype or the message link in the lower right-hand corner of the page.
Dale Maxwell,
Disease Recovery Coach
I am losing my hair
Diana Asks Dale:I am losing my hair ,more than usual. I am doing enzymes, cellect budwig, kimchi, B17, B15, and coffee enemas 2 to 3 times daily, sometimes 4, apricot pitsDiet- salads, bean burgers, baked french fries, soups more salad, bread, peanut butter and juices with spinach and fruit for breakfast. Some times an egg in salads and, mushrooms, mushroom burgers, veggies-kale-swiss chard-broccoli, carrots,cauliflower. Hi Diana,
Some thoughts:If you are buying factory made bean burgers, baked french fries, commercial peanut butter, mushroom burgers or anything else from package or box or freezer section you are consuming food additives.If you can eliminate these additives, you will reduce the toxins you are consuming.Okra Pepsin removes the mucus from the small intestine. Every time you eat food additives, colors, texture enhancements, etc. your gut produces mucus to protect you.Six months of Okra-Pepsin after you have stopped producing extra mucus to clean it all up.The mucus is blocking you from absorbing all the nutrients that are available. When you get all the nutrients, I think you hair problem will resolve.Stop all the herbal remedies, this could also be contributing to the problem