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Category: dose instruction
Instruction, Suggested dosage for Beginning, Therapeutic, Maintenance, and more
How to tell if the cancer is going away?
Mere asks Dale
How to tell if the cancer is going away?
Each day our body replaces cells:
The death of the cell is called Apoptosis and is normal.
Between 50 and 70 billion cells die each day due to apoptosis in the average human adult.When your body replaces the cells with new cells that have been created you have homeostasis.If you are providing quality nutrition and complete digestion and absorption free from additives, pesticides and carcinogens, the new cells are “perfect.” In comparison, those who are consuming the standard foods may not be heading toward robust, disease-free healthy outcome.Cancer seems to turn off Apoptosis in the cancer cells rendering them immortal. The job of the pancreatic enzyme as I was taught by Dr. Kelley is to break the cells allowing the body to remove them and replace them with healthy cells.Since we seem to have a lot of cells I understand that recently, scientists have made a pretty good effort to count them. And their final count is…37.2 trillion. Calculating the number of cells in the human body is tricky, so figure this is a “ball park” number.Dr. Kelley would tell people it will take between six months and eighteen months to rid the body of measurable cancer.In my experience, your body will tell you when it no longer needs therapeutic amounts of enzymes. Read about butt burning here.How do I tell if the enzymes are working?
Syd asks Dale
How do I tell if the enzymes are working?
Here is a video that answers the question:
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Read more, on how to tell if you are taking too many enzymes here.
Soy – Food, Wonder Drug, or Poison?
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This is an excerpt from the page on Dr. McDougall’s website he mentioned in the video – the link to the whole article is below.
Soy-food consuming populations of people, like the Chinese and Japanese, have a much lower incidence of heart disease, osteoporosis, and cancer of the breast and prostate. From this observation, many researchers have come to the conclusion that ingredients in the soybean have anticancer, antihypertensive, and anti-cholesterol benefits, and also act as a natural alternative to hormone replacement therapy. Soy foods have become synonymous with health food and vegetarianism. Their popularity is tied to the belief that soy has “wonder-drug” benefits – so powerful that many people suppose they can safely eat their bacon and eggs for breakfast as long as they finish off their morning meal with a cup of soy yogurt.
We recommend that you use traditional soy foods, like soy milk and tofu, only as a small part of your diet, at most 5% of your daily calories. “Synthetic soy foods,” like meats, cheeses, and soy bars, should rarely, if ever, be consumed.
Examples of sensible uses might be:- Soy milk to moisten cereal, not glassfuls as a beverage.
- Tofu pieces in a “stir-fry” rice dish, not as a soy burger entrée
- An occasional tofu-based dessert, not daily soy “candy” bars.
However, there is a dark side to the soy story that warns that these foods may increase your risk for cancer, impair your thyroid, immune, and brain function, and cause you bone loss and reproductive problems. Fortunately, these worries are relevant mostly for people lured into consuming “fake foods” synthesized from man-made components of soy and other foods, and high potency soy supplements – not for those who consume traditional soy foods as a small portion of their diet.
By Dr. John McDougall
His complete article:
Foods to Test to Find Out if You are Sensitive or Intolerant to Consuming
How to test to find out if you are sensitive.
Keep a log of how your feel and what you eat, and how they are prepared. Note any aches or stiffness or pains that are noticed anytime with 24 to 36 hours. If you note any symptoms, now that you are aware, why would you want to continue consuming items from the nightshade family?
Rotate out any foods you suspect or are on the following list.
A common group that is often craved is any of the nightshade family.
- Potatoes (sweet potatoes and yams are not nightshades)
- Tomatoes
- Peppers
- Eggplant
- Tomatillos
- Goji Berries and Some Other Berries
Small, red goji berries fall into the nightshade family. These slightly sweet berries, sometimes called wolfberries, are native to Asia.
They can be eaten raw, dried or made into juice. They’re easy nightshades to avoid, but do read ingredient lists of all juices, smoothies, teas and nutritional supplements to be sure they don’t contain goji berries. Other berries that are nightshades include garden huckleberries, ground cherries, and cape gooseberries, but not normal gooseberries nor blueberries.
Foods to Absolutely Avoid (and Why)
Processed foods (anything from a package, frozen, refrigerated, canned or boxed) with just a few exceptions.
- Frozen organic fruits
- Frozen organic vegetables (no salt)
Why to avoid processed foods:
- Food additives (flavor, texture, color, shelf life)
- Soy Protein Isolate (increases IGF1, makes cancer grow)
- Fills you up without giving you the benefits of whole foods (mostly raw)
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Links to the Governments lists and guidelines for “Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) food like substances”
Another Gift from Richard Nixon:
This database allows access to opinions and conclusions from 115 SCOGS reports published between 1972-1980 on the safety of over 370 Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) food substances. The GRAS ingredient reviews were conducted by the Select Committee in response to a 1969 White House directive by President Richard M. Nixon (see History of GRAS and SCOGS) from the link below:
Just one of the categories “color”:
How do I get off 14 drugs and recover from cancer
I. S. asks Dale
How do I get off 14 drugs and recover from cancer?
Including multiple, blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, acid (stomach) blocker, anti-psychotics.
Here is the list of areas we will need to work on.
- Detox
- Managing the process of reducing the drugs
- Diet
- Dealing with the emotions of the past events
- Enzymes
Part one detox and liver support
Detoxing will include multiple coffee enemas.
And a modified version of the 21-day detox for your case.
Clear MultiVite All In One
You will consume one serving per day of the Clear MultiVite All In One each day for 21 days, then test moving to two servings per day, if you react to two serving well then 21 days at two servings. If not stay on one serving per day for another 21 days then test again.
When you can manage two serving each day, take two serving each day, one AM and one PM, for 21 days then test three servings day following the above instructions.
At the same time: Liver support with LiveRite
Begin also to take four capsules AM and four capsules PM. These are best taken away from food if you can manage. Take these for four months and then we will consider reducing to two AM and two PM, depending on your success in reducing the pharmaceuticals.
Okra-Pepsin, these are taken one capsule, three times per day with food, the goal with this supplement is to begin to remove the built up mucus gently in the small intestine. Any build-up of mucus will reduce the ability of nutrition to pass successfully into the body. Mucus is the bodies way 0f defending itself and based on the pre-coaching document you have provided you will need this supplement.
At the same time: Okra-pepsin, to improve your ability to successfully absorb nutrients
Okra-pepsin is taken for six months minimum, begin counting the time after your diet has been the transitioned to a Vegan, whole food, free of flowing oils.
What to do to Avoid Cataract Surgery
Peter Asks Dale
What to do to Avoid Cataract Surgery?
- Distilled water only, drink plenty ( Dirty Water Warning Book )
- See Again or Eye Support Plus
- 21-day detox (scroll down for instructions)
- LiveRite Liver Support
- As close as you can manage to a vegan, whole foods plant based diet
- Read the Bates Method Book (Vision strengthening)
- 45 minutes per day minimum movement, walking is fine.
- Coffee Enemas to Support detoxing (as needed)
- Relax, it took years to create cataracts, but you may see improvement in as little as a few weeks, but do not go back to your old habits.
Enzyme Dosage for Prevention / Maintenance
Marjo asks Dale
Enzyme Dosage for Prevention / Maintenance after cancer recovery?
Your body will tell you if you press the number of enzymes by gradually increasing the dosage until you notice the burning butt. The burn is caused by the enzymes passing through and not being used by the body.
My understanding is what happens when you get older is the capacity of the pancreas is no longer creating enough to do the complete job of digesting food and cleaning all the mutant cells.
The pancreas is robust and is capable of recovery when treated with a whole food plant based diet along with the enzymes. It took me just over two years to get back to the point that even a tiny amount of pancreatic enzymes will cause a bit of butt burning after just a day or two.
I think most people will never get to this point in recovery and repair because they are not as much of a fanatic about food as I have become.
The Instructions for testing are located here: Be sure and watch my video where
I elaborate on the text.
Remember also that the over 3000 food additives the FDA has classified as GRAS (generally recognised as safe) will challenge your ability to heal and regenerate, so commercially prepared foods, at least in my experience will keep you from getting to the point you no longer need any enzyme supplements.
8 Tablespoon smoothie diet
Questions from Vince
1.Dale I already purchased the recommended products to start the 8 Tablespoon smoothie diet thinking that’s what you were recommending. Will these smoothies be compatible with the Clear MultiVite 3 week detox ? Or should I wait until after the 3 weeks to start using the smoothies? I do not plan on incorporating animal products in my diet.
Excellent question
During the 21-day detox limiting the fruit to one serving every three days assists in the detox process.
I use the four ingredients added to the MultiVite for the potent extra nutrition. I also recommend including about seven or eight ounces of beet or beet juice. and I add about six ounces of assorted frozen (I personally freeze and crush the leafy greens because they wilt so fast) greens, peas, beans, leafy greens of you choice etc (seasonally).
Please formulate your own favorite blends.
Note the Nutrition facts on each label do not always equal a tablespoon so convert as needed.
Wheatgrass Powder Benefits
Cacao Powder
Spirulina Powder
MACA Powder
Is there an easy way to get a handle on how many calories you are getting throughout the day
Vince Asks Dale
Is there an easy way to get a handle on how many calories you are getting throughout the day. And what should the target be?
First, write down ever thing you consume in a journal. Measure the weight of each portion as you prepare. Note how you feel after 15 minutes and then every 15 minutes for a couple of hours.
Second, Google the particular legumes and note the 100g portion for calories (about 4 ounces)
Third, Google “how many calories do I need at my ideal weight and activity level, you will find a calculator enter your info and it will reveal a target calorie amountHere is the link to the calculator I found:
Looks like this:
Fill it out to get an idea how many calories then eat about 10% more in calories to gain and about 5-10% less to lose.
You will notice that some foods are higher in calories than others. This knowledge will help you in maintaining enough calories. Eat more of the calorie dense foods to gain and less to lose weight.
You must find the variety and balance, so you are satiated and not tempted to stray to animal foods while you are on the quest to full recovery.
Use the Vitamix as long as you need to and when you begin to experiment with re-including foods that have not been thoroughly masticated with the machine you will want to refer to the journal comparing how you feel on the same combination. Begin to compare and test after a couple of months. If you have healed to the point that you no longer require the Vitamix, you can begin to reduce the use as you see fit.
Can I Safely consume 600ml carrot juice 3 times per day
Nawal asks Dale
Between breakfast and lunch, I drink 600 ml carrot juice mixed with it supplement powder and two other times each day.
The question/concern is are you consuming enough food at the same time to moderate the sugar content?
When drinking carrot juice on an empty stomach many people soon begin to feel weak because their insulin production has gone into overdrive due to the sugar content of the juice. This can be avoided if you press more juice out of the pulp (that is usually discarded when making juice) and drink that too as the nutrients that are in the pulp help to avoid the over production of insulin.
You can also mix green juice, which has no sugar, with the carrot juice to slow the metabolism of the carrot juice.
I recommend that you do not exceed a 50% ratio of carrot juice to green juice if you are not eating around the same time.
Is this the correct Kelley dosage?
Tim asks Dale:
Enzymes – 24 a day, 6x a day, four at a time –3x/day I take them 30” before each of my three meals; and 3x/day I take them 1 ½ -2 hours away from food (arise, mid-afternoon and before bed)
Now taking Univase Forte 1850 mg Pancreatin +other enzymes/capsule, from Rocky Fork Formulas or CytoPharma.
These two companies may not be producing the same exact formula. Please check the labels and let me know if they are the same. I would not recommend this formula as a direct replacement for the Kelley Enzymes.
Until you exhaust your supply of these enzymes you may take two of them and two 1200’s 30 minutes before food.
The Kelley Program calls for 54 grams per day, and enough coffee enemas each day to handle the side effects of the CORRECT enzymes breaking up the cancer cells and the liver overflowing. It seems like many of the non-Kelley enzymes do not always produce the desired results.
The proven protocol is to consume nine grams of enzymes 30-minutes (up to an hour) prior to eating, three times per day. If you eat more times per day divide the 27 grams per day into smaller portions.
Take 1200 tablets for the 30 minutes before food. These enzymes are the best price point for quality pancreatin.
27 Grams per day in three portions of nine grams each, taken well away from food so all the enzyme material makes it into the bloodstream, so it can be delivered where the body can use it to fight the disease. Take SoloZyme well away from food.
Trying to learn about how and when to take them to be most effective
Q. Is it okay to drink juice with the enzymes? Or is that considered “food” and the enzymes will be digesting the food instead of cancer?
Please check this post for the answer:
HCL – 1 during each of 3 meals
Read this post for thoughts on using HCL (Hydrochloric Acid):
thought I might want to add the Hydrochloric acid pills recommended by Dr. Kelly at one per meal?
Okra Pepsin (Standard Process or Vitacost) – 1 after each meal
Yes continue