Author: Dale Maxwell

  • Lymph – Diet – History of Antibiotics

    LZ requests guidance


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    Why Diet 95 % whole food plant based 5% animal – no free flowing oils


    NO OIL! Really, NO oil! Webinar 03/17/16 Dr. McDougall



    Coaching answers Ketogenic and root canal teeth


    Standard Process Okra Pepsin E3, 150 Capsules (50 day supply)


    Well recognized contributors to disease include:
    Root canals, any root canals you may have in your body are releasing toxins, a root canal tooth is dead and no one would leave a dead part in a body, it makes no sense that dentists do this.
    You tube Videos
    Price-Pottenger foundation lists over 20 books, courses and reports documenting the root canal coverup

    Amalgam Fillings




    How often should we do enemas?


    Thinning Your Bile to Get Better Results From Coffee Enemas


    Rebuild Gut

    Colon Balance | How to repair and rebalance your healthy Gut



    Potassium Compound Salts, 100 Grams, Powder


  • Would you recommend periods of complete fasting (3-5 days)?

    RM asks Dale

    Would you recommend periods of complete fasting (3-5 days)?

    I do not recommend fasting without supervision.

    Side Effects to watch for if fasting:

    These include headaches, dizziness, lightheadedness, fatigue, low blood pressure and abnormal heart rhythms. People who are fasting may experience an impaired ability to conduct certain tasks, such as operate machinery or drive a vehicle.

    If you must fast I suggest you fast only one day the first time. Then if it goes well, gradually increase at intervals of two weeks. If you do well then increase your experiment as outlined below.


    Two weeks – two days fast

    Two weeks – three days fast

    Two weeks – four days fast

    And continue as you see fit.

  • 6 Amalgams and 1 Root Canal Cancer Surgery 2013

    Instructions for E. L.

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    Recommend you address the teeth, remove the root canal and amalgams to reduce the load on your immune system.


    Well recognized contributors to disease include:
    Root canals, any root canals you may have in your body are releasing toxins, a root canal tooth is dead and no one would leave a dead part in a body, it makes no sense that dentists do this.
    You tube Videos

    Price-Pottenger foundation lists over 20 books, courses and reports documenting the root canal coverup

    Amalgam Fillings

    Reinoculate gut bacteria



    Some amount of enzymes

    Pancreatin, 1200 mg, 1,000 Capsules, Take 30 Minutes Before Food


    Clean up Small Intestine for six months:

    Standard Process Okra Pepsin E3, 150 Capsules (50 day supply)

    Bring Diet into compliance with less than 5% Animal Intake

    Why Diet 95 % whole food plant based 5% animal – no free flowing oils




  • Coaching answers Ketogenic and root canal teeth

    RM Pre-coaching

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    Eliminate the root canals make sure the socket is scraped by 1mm to remove the tooth ligament if any remains you could develop cavitations (pockets where bacteria can make a home).  Contact for a referral to properly trained dentist.


    Enzymes to digest cancer. 54 Grams per day.

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    Re-inoculate the gut bacteria

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    Lower animal intake to less than 5%

    This may be all you need to get off the metformin.

    Do not believe me blindly, study the science behind the diet choices.
    Reasons for vegan cancer diet:

    Reasons to avoid milk to recover and avoid cancer:

    Reasons to avoid Chicken to recover and avoid cancer:

    Reasons to avoid Beef to recover and avoid cancer:


    Plant Based Diet Education:
    Study these 3 guys:
    John McDougall

    [svpVideo v=2]
    Colin Campbell

    [svpVideo v=3]
    and Caldwell B. Esselstyn

    Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease, Caldwell Esselstyn, MD – TTC

    [svpVideo v=4]

    Dangers of the Paleo Diet | Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn

    [svpVideo v=5]


    For Amazon Prime and other Video To TV Services: Player with Youtube also

    and maybe

    Metformin in a newsletter by Dr. Mcdougall:

    Additional Content on Ketogenic (paleo)

    Video: Why I Quit The Paleo Diet After 1 Year | A Woman´s Perspective | VitaLivesFree

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  • Fine tuning and Corrections on protocol for Ben G

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    Suggest Clinical Probiotics 15 days then 15 days more if needed to rebalance – re-innoculate gut flora after surgery and past drugs.

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    Important Correction to the protocol you submitted to me for review:

    Enzymes (12 grams =  8 1200 Pancreatin mg) taken near food should be at least thirty minutes prior to eating. Adjust for what Creon product strength you are taking. (see below for numbers and suggestion)

    HCL (if used) after the first bite of food. I suggest using Vitamix to break the nutrition free of the fiber instead of HCL for at least a couple of months, keep track of how you feel and maintain weight.

    For going after the cancer cells, Kelley enzymes (9 grams = 12 capsules)should be taken away from food one and one-half hours before and after food.

    I cannot tell what you are eating please send me your diet details.


    Creon DR 36000 units 2 with meals 1 with snacks

    • 36,000 USP units of lipase; 114,000 USP units of protease; 180,000 USP units of amylase delayed-release capsules have a blue opaque cap with imprint “CREON 1236” and a colorless transparent body.

    1200 Tablet

    4500 USP Units of Lipase: 32,400 Units of Protease; 36,900 units of Amylase

    So there is not a clear conversion from USP Standard for pancreatin to the formula the Creon is of the components

    Lipase – x 8

    Protease x 3.5

    Amylase x 4.87

    What you must do is keep good records on how Ben is feeling and adjust adding gradually another 1200 in addition to the Creon if needed to get complete digestion.

  • Sore throat, harsh drugs made it worse

    TW (long time friend) relays this story:

    A little sore throat a strep culture was taken and came back negative, and the Dr. Visit prescribed

    Immune suppressant drugs were advised:

    • 7 days on prenazone
    • Claritan
    • Fosamax Spray

    Everything got worse, and painful, scheduled visit with Dentist for 8 am and GM for 1:30 pm

    I reached out to my friend Dale Maxwell

    He listened and advised massive probiotics to restore the bacteria.


    Here is a clip from follow-up call four days later:


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  • Cancer and overweight


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    Diet: Suggest you get to 100 % plant. whole food, no free oils diet.  Begin to log each and every process you do, what you eat, how you feel. When you do enemas, sleep and while carefully weighing all you consume and how it was prepared.

    Add to your diet 8 ounces of sourkrout each day to provide some good bacteria. (easily added to a blended meal)

    1.  Reinoculate your gut bacteria

    If you have stopped all drugs one or two rounds of 15-days on the Liviotic 350 Clinical Strength High Potency, Multispecies, Multistrain Probiotic

    If you must continue (temporarily) consuming any drugs then after the first fifteen days. Take one packet,  twice a week. After you succeed in getting off all the drugs, then fifteen days re-inoculate and twice a week for seven weeks should do it. You will need to reinoculate if you experience any of the things that do a great deal of damage.

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    Ideally, consume enzymes for six to eighteen months a the recommended dosage listed below, this is the typical duration needed to eliminate cancer. If you cannot manage the money, following two months using the Kelley enzyme then following with the 1200 tablets may be effective in stopping progression and in some cases eventually succeed in elimination.

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    Okra-pepsin is taken for six months to clean the mucus from the small intestine, this improves the absorption of nutrients which helps your body heal and repair.

    Potassium salts are used to avoid cramps that can be the result of multiple coffee enemas every day washing out electrolytes.

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    Emotional Releasing

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  • Tumors and negative result in CA 19-9

    Attached find your pre coaching form filled out. I am interested in enzyme therapy. I have a growth in my pancreas about 2-2.5 inches in length and maybe 1 in diameter but have no signs of cancer in blood work (CA 19-9 was negative – PSA normal.  Also have some small growths in liver.
    I feel fine. Just wondering if it might not be pancreatic cancer.
    I use to eat lousy. Lots of dairy, meats, bread. Pretty much all veg and fruit now. Would like to eat some fish here and there if possible but if I must will do strict vege. I like olive oil and hummus. Can I continue with those?
    [svpVideo v=1]
    Blood test that are negitive and you know you have tumors, this tells me your body is unaware and not fighting anything. To me this sounds like your immune system is not working correcty.
    Enzymes will assist in removal of a tumor, cancer or other.
    No Free Oils?  Read this post and watch video.
    Ideal is: Strick for a few months at least.

    Plant Based Diet Education: Study these 3 guys: John McDougall Colin Campbell and Caldwell B. Esselstyn Amazon Prime and other Video To TV Services:   Player with Youtube also


    McDougall on Amazon:

    Five root canals is a HUGE load on your liver and immune system.


    Well recognized contributors to disease include:
    Root canals, any root canals you may have in your body are releasing toxins, a root canal tooth is dead and no one would leave a dead part in a body, it makes no sense that dentists do this.

    You tube Videos
    Price-Pottenger foundation lists over 20 books, courses and reports documenting the root canal coverup

    Amalgam Fillings

    Suggested Process:
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  • Appendix, colon resection, wrist surgery and knee surgery

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    Okra Pepsin  six months to clean Small Intestine


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  • Tumor bigger or more spots after starting enzymes – Why?

    AE asks Dale

    Tumor bigger or more spots after starting enzymes – Why?

    A couple of things to consider: first is the timing of the “scan”

    How long prior to the beginning of the full Kelley program (54 Grams per day)

    Second is that the enzymes will break the encapsulations.

    Prior to the enzymes being able to damage the cancer cells the enzymes must break through these encapsulations. As the encapsulation breaks some amount of cancerous cells will undoubtedly be circulated and some may not be destroyed directly and so may show up in a scan.

    In the case of a big lump the first this that may be noticed is the area may seem bigger. Do not be alarmed.

    I do not recommend any testing be done until after three months on the protocol. This time interval is typically long enough to see some improvement.

    Please keep in mind, it took many years to develope and according to Dr Kelley will generally take six to eighteen months at theraputic dose to get to the point of testing clear for most people.





  • Special instructions for those who are consuming nutrition via a feeding tube appliance.

    Starting up with bulk Enzymes

    Special instructions for those who are consuming nutrition via a feeding tube appliance.

    The goal is to work up to the equivalent of 54 grams per day of pancreatic enzyme material.

    You will need to find your pace that is best for your metabolism and detoxing capacity.

    In the case where the pump is run part of the day, the enzymes added to the pump during,  for the most part, will be digesting the nutrition.

    Keep in mind the enzymes injected when the pump is not in use, will, for the most part, be circulated in the body and digest the damage cells.

    The bulk enzymes are four times the pancreatic strength, so you will need to take. So two and one-quarter grams (2050 milligrams) of bulk is the equivalent of twelve (12) 750mg capsules of Kelley Enzymes (nine grams).

    I suggest you start with about a 20% dose the first day and increase each day as you manage the process and the disease die-off with coffee enemas. Do not be in a hurry to get to the fifty-four grams per day goal.

    Keep in mind that the volume and speed of liquid injected must not be faster or more that recommended by your doctor. The stomach can stretch but the intestine is not designed for the abuse so be gentle.

    You may need to take as many as five coffee enemas in a 24 hour day. If you are still suffering after five, Dr. Kelley recommends taking the five-day break earlier than the twenty-five-day interval.

    Follow-up questions and answers:

    JP asks:

    I think we are just waiting for the enzymes. We want to start the process tonight.

    Q- How many hours after feeding do the enzymes work best?

    Start after one and one-half hours after “liquid foods”.

    I am trying to figure out the best time for feeding.  How many hours in between doses?

    My best guess is the enzymes will be out of the intestines in less than one and one-half hours.

    Q- How soon after a dose should he have a coffee enema?

    Everyone is different and too many variables to set up as a firm process, the consumption of the enzymes  (or the consumption of food)  and the taking of the enemas for some can be quite close when he starts feeling bad – coffee enema. Some people do not like to take the enemas close to eating because of the discomfort of food in the stomach. Please let me know how if goes with Leo and the timing challenge.

    Q -How often should he do a water enema prior to the coffee enema?

    Mostly every time, if taking back to back then not needed. He will be able to tell if he is keeping a log file and paying attention. Generally, if one  takes the enema, without the water first and gets little out – they will feel worse and should take another enema.

    Q- What is the volume of water,

    Full enema bucket if possible.

    Q- how long does he hold the water.

    Hold as long as comfort allows, practicing EFT can assist in time going faster. Ten minutes of holding water should be fine.

    Q- and how long after the water enema does he start the coffee enema?

    When he is finished expelling the excess (suggest standing and a few steps or gentle stretching when finished before starting the coffee to make sure all has released.)

    Q- How much coffee do you make at one time?

    You choose how much to make, some people make as needed, and others make a concentrate and refrigerate.

    Q- What is the coffee to water ratio?

    The strength of the coffee is a range and you will have to experiment.  Too weak and little or no results, too strong and can notice jitters.

    Start here: Place 2 to 3 cups of distilled water and two to three tablespoons of organic coffee in a stainless steel saucepan and bring to a boil. Let it boil 10 minutes, then turn off the heat and allow it to cool.



  • Bulk Pancreatic Enzymes Safe Handling Instructions

    If the best choice is a powder (swallowing problems or feeding tube) you must follow the handling instructions with extreme care. 

    Pancreatic enzymes are extremely alkaline and can cause blisters.

    In your body, the pancreatic enzymes are issued after the stomach, and part of the function is to neutralize the stomach acid.

    In preparation of the dose, the caregiver should be wearing safety glasses, face mask, and gloves. You do not want the dust to be landing on sensitive eyes, nose, or mouth.

    The bulk we are able to provide is not the exact same strength and you will want to follow these guidelines, in Dr. Kelley’s original work he recommended nine grams six times per day and in these instructions, the conversion should eventually become clear:


    Pancreatic enzyme concentrate 4x USP

    2 and 1/4 grams is 2250 milligrams – I strongly recommend you use a gram scale at least in the beginning to get a feel for the measuring out of this bulk product. – Dale

    Each Gram of concentrate provides four grams of pancreatic enzyme material

    Since a teaspoon is a measurement of volume and a gram is a measurement of mass, it’s not possible to convert from one unit to the other without knowing what substance is being used. When comparing teaspoons of different substances, the one that is denser will weigh more. We recommend you use a gram scale to measure out the dosages

    CONTAINS NO: yeast, sugar, salt, preservatives, artificial colors, flavors or additives and no corn, yeast, wheat, soy,  fillers, or milk derivatives.

    Suggested Intake:

    Mix well in 4 oz. of V-8 juice or homemade green juice and drink. Chase with 2 oz. of V-8 juice. Then drink 8 ounces distilled water (or more). You may use any homemade vegetable juice as a transportation fluid. The purpose of the vegetable juice is to protect/wash the alkalinity that is inherent in the enzymes, from the mouth and esophagus.

    Supplement Cycles:

    The goal is to consume 6 servings of 2 1/4 grams (about two and 1/4 teaspoons) each day.

    When consumed away from meals most of the enzymes will be dispatched via the bloodstream to any unwanted protein mass (tumor) to be digested (broken down) and transported out of the body via the lymphatic system and bloodstream, liver, bile ducts and colon.

    When consumed with or near a meal a portion of the enzymes will be used to digest the food to provide fuel for repairing your body.


    • 2 1/4 grams (about two and 1/4 teaspoons) 1 hour before meals (this is considered “with meals” in this cycle as the enzymes will be beyond the stomach and ready in the small intestine to digest the food when it passes through the stomach)
    • 2 1/4 gram (about two and 1/4 teaspoons) 1 and 1/2 to 2 hours after each meal (between meals)
    • 1 1/8 grams (about One and 1/8 teaspoons) at bedtime or after dinner meal*
    • 1 1/8 grams (about One and 1/8 teaspoons) at 3:30 a.m. or before breakfast meal*

    * The goal is to consume six servings of 2 1/4 grams (about two and 1/4 teaspoons each day. Do the best you can.

    TAKE  supplements up to 25 days. STOP taking supplements if you experience the overwhelming discomfort of any kind that you cannot manage with coffee enemas. You may stop taking the enzymes after 3-5 days on and go to the “OFF CYCLE” for five days, but it is best to continue for 25 days.



    Remain off supplements for 5 days. You must give the body time to adjust. Stay OFF supplements the full 5 days even if you feel well enough to continue.

    Continue Cycling (on 25 days – off 5 days) for 9 to 18 months. Then take 4 1/2 grams (about One and 1/2 teaspoons) with meals and 1 with snacks as long as you choose to live cancer-free and to continue metabolically supporting your being.

    Container is 500 Grams

    The container says: Serving size is 2 and 1/4 grams (about two and 1/4 teaspoons) and contains 200 nine gram equivalate servings.

    If you take as directed each container should provide 33 days of enzymes.

    Take coffee enemas as needed to manage nausea that may come as a side effect of the enzymes digesting the tumor material and the dead tumor material moving through the circulatory system and being collected by the liver. The coffee enema, properly done, will dump some bile from the liver, which will make you feel better until the tumor debris fills up the liver again.

    Coffee Enema instruction:



    Here are the original instructions for bulk, when it was available from Dr. Kelley:

    Formula PEP Bulk (Formerly CA+)

    Each Teaspoonful Provides:

    Lyophilized multiple glandular concentrates, with their natural enzymes and enzyme activators.

    These freeze dried glandular tissues are produced at a low temperature, which preserves the freshness of the essential enzymes, activators and metabolic nutrients. They have natural coloring.

    CONTAINS NO: yeast, sugar, salt, preservatives, artificial colors, flavors or additives and no corn, yeast, wheat, soy or milk derivatives.

    Suggested Intake:

    Mix well in 4 oz. of V-8 juice and drink. Chase with 2 oz. of V-8 juice. Then drink 8 ounces distilled water (or more). You may use any homemade vegetable juice as a transportation fluid. The purpose of the vegetable juice is to protect/wash the alkalinity that is inherit in the enzymes, from the mouth and esophagus.

    Supplement Cycles:

    The goal is to consume 6 servings of 6 teaspoons each day.

    When consumed away from meals most of the enzymes will be dispatched via the bloodstream to any unwanted protein mass (tumor) to be digested (broken down) and transported out of the body via the bloodstream, liver, bile ducts and colon.

    When consumed with or near a meal a portion of the enzymes will be used to digest the food to provide fuel for repairing your body.


    • 6 Teaspoons 1 hour before meals (this is considered “with meals” in this cycle as the enzymes will be beyond the stomach and ready in the small intestine to digest the food when it passes through the stomach)
    • 6 Teaspoons 1 and 1/2 to 2 hours after each meal (between meals)
    • 3 Teaspoons at bedtime or after dinner meal*
    • 3 Teaspoons at 3:30 a.m. or before breakfast meal*

    * The goal is to consume 6 servings of 6 teaspoons each day. Do the best you can.

    TAKE  supplements up to 25 days. STOP taking supplements if you experience discomfort of any kind that you cannot manage with coffee enemas. You may stop taking the enzymes after 3-5 days on and go to the “OFF CYCLE” for 5 days, but it is best to continue for 25 days.



    Remain off supplements for 5 days. You must give the body time to adjust. Stay OFF supplements the full 5 days even if you feel well enough to continue.

    Continue Cycling (on 25 days – off 5 days) for 9 to 18 months. Then take 2 to 3 teaspoons with meals and 1 with snacks as long as you choose to live cancer-free and to continue metabolically supporting your being.

    Container is 500 Grams

    The container says: Serving size is 6 teaspoons per serving and contains 45 servings.

    If you take as directed each container should provide 7.5 days of enzymes.

    Take coffee enemas as needed to manage nausea that may come as a side effect of the enzymes digesting the tumor material and the dead tumor material moving through the circulatory system and being collected by the liver. The coffee enema, properly done, will dump some bile from the liver, which will make you feel better until the tumor debris fills up the liver again.

    Coffee Enema instruction:

    If you want to use capsules for convenience, 2 capsules are equal to one teaspoon of enzymes.
