Author: Dale Maxwell

  • Dr. Shallenberger gives the facts on chemotherapy – not working

    Watch this video – Dale

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    Dr. Shallenberger gives the facts on chemotherapy and why it doesn’t work. He goes on to describe the need for comprehensive cancer therapy.

    Alternative Cancer Therapy

  • Unable to Afford Full Kelley Enzyme Amount – What Amount Will Help?

    Asked by AH: My brother is finally getting serious about fighting cancer but is unwilling or unable to spend the money needed to follow the full Kelley Program, how many enzymes does it take to do some good?

    Response from Dale:

    Here is the analogy I frequently share when asked this question:

    Imagine looking out on the horizon, to the far left is the 0% enzyme amount location and to the far right is the “Therapeutic Enzyme Amount (54 grams per day)” location.

    Somewhere near the middle of the line is the homeostasis amount. This is the amount of enzymes needed for your body to maintain it’s free-from-cancer status (this is when the proper amount of enzymes are created daily by your pancreas to seek and destroy any anomalous cells as they are identified by your immune system). When cancer is present it means that, at some point in the past, the amount of cancer stimulants in your body overwhelmed your pancreas’ ability to produce enough enzymes to keep you cancer-free and it began to lose the battle.

    The amount of enzymes needed to stop more cancer from developing will vary greatly from person to person and I cannot name a number that is the “ideal” number for your brother. The more enzymes consumed the more likely the cancer load is going to be lessened.

    The Kelley Enzymes are superior in braking a tumor to the 1200 USP tablet pancreatin due to the difference in the ability to break through the membrane protecting tumor cancers.

    The reason we start with 54 grams per day of enzymes is because that amount has proven to be the amount needed to destroy cancer cells as well as digest the food that is eaten daily. As the balance point moves toward the amount needed to maintain homeostasis the “maintenance” dosage changes.

    Read about the difference between the pancreatin products here:

    Two Kelley Enzymes – How they Differ?

    Read the document on maintenance called “Question: How many pancreatic enzymes should I take with each meal?” link below:

    Pancreatin, 1200 mg, 1,000 Capsules, Take 30 Minutes Before Food



  • General Cancer Recovery Kelley Dosages


    I have bladder cancer I have refused chemo and surgery researching all avenues I can for an alternative please can you advise me which enzymes I need?

    Thank you, Annie UK


    Dale Responds:
    Two Products (Kelley Solozyme well away from food)

    and 1200 pancreatin tablets 30 minutes before food

    General Suggested protocol

    Colon Balance | How to repair and rebalance your healthy Gut

  • What is the purpose of taking large dose of 1200 (8 tablets) when the fact 1-3 of 1200 is enough to digest the food we eat?

    AE Asks: What is the purpose of taking a large dose of 1200 (8 tablets) when the fact 1-3 of 1200 is enough to digest the food we eat?

    Dale Responds: How do you know 1-3 is enough? Any extra that is left over after digesting food will go into the blood stream and digest unwelcome debris floating in the blood, then will seek out cells that are mutant – that is the purpose – thanks for asking.



  • I’ve completed the first 25 days of Pancreatic enzymes. What’s the next step?

    Roger asks: I’ve completed the first 25 days of Pancreatic enzymes.  What’s the next step?

    Dale Responds:

    Congratulations, Lets review, you have had some challenges and mastered some new experiences, now is the five days off while continuing the coffee enemas.

    The process of removing cancer, according to Dr. Kelley takes most cases between six months and eighteen months. Cancer you have is generally controlled in the shorter range of time.


    What are you noticing in your body?

    Are you practicing releasing techniques daily?

    How are your bowels doing?

    Have you addressed the teeth?

    How is the diet doing?

    Do you need a more hands-on support arrangement? This option could be right for you.

    Six Month Recovery Support Plan





  • Kelley Enzymes VS USP Enzymes

    For those who have been told they have cancer, following a modified Kelley Metabolic program. In this modified version we use Pancreatin USP to be taken thirty minutes prior to eating.

    Understanding the differences between Dr. Kelley Enzymes and USP enzymes. Kelley enzymes start with the entire organic New Zeland porcine pancreas gland. Freeze Dried with additional chymotrypsin.  The USP enzyme is highly refined only contain:

    lipase xxx USP units
    protease xxx USP units
    amylase xxx USP units

    The balance of the materials extracted via chemical breakdown is typically sold on to digest clogged drains.

    I recommend the Kelley Enzymes taken well away from food three times each day 12 capsules each time for a total of thirty-six capsules (twenty-seven grams.) These enzymes are porcine from New Zealand.

    And in addition, thirty minutes prior to eating take nine grams of pancreatin USP to assist in digesting the food. It is important to support your body in completely digesting and extracting all the nutrition from the food you consume. These enzymes are porcine primarily from  New Zealand although we cannot guarantee origination.

    • You will also need to take coffee enemas as needed.
    • Enjoy a vegan diet for at least two months, then as much as five percent animal by calories.
    • Practice emotional stress reduction process daily.
    • Probiotics reinoculation is essential if you have ingested any pharmaceuticals or you were born cesarean.

    From Wikipedia Explaining more about what the differences are.


    The pancreas is both an endocrine and an exocrine gland, in that it functions to produce endocrinic hormones released into the circulatory system (such as insulin, and glucagon), to control glucose metabolism, and also to secrete digestive/exocrinic pancreatic juice, which is secreted eventually via the pancreatic duct into duodenum. A digestive or exocrine function of pancreas is as significant to the maintenance of health as its endocrine function.

    Two of the population of cells in the pancreatic parenchyma make up its digestive enzymes:

    • Ductal cells: Mainly responsible for the production of bicarbonate (HCO3), which acts to neutralize the acidity of the stomach chyme entering duodenum through the pylorus. Ductal cells of the pancreas are stimulated by the hormone secretin to produce their bicarbonate-rich secretions, in what is, in essence, a bio-feedback mechanism; highly acidic stomach chyme entering the duodenum stimulates duodenal cells called “S cells” to produce the hormone secretin and release to the bloodstream. Secretin having entered the blood eventually comes into contact with the pancreatic ductal cells, stimulating them to produce their bicarbonate-rich juice. Secretin also inhibits production of gastrin by “G cells”, and also stimulates acinar cells of the pancreas to produce their pancreatic enzyme.
    • Acinar cells: Mainly responsible for the production of the inactive pancreatic enzymes (zymogens) that, once present in the small bowel, become activated and perform their major digestive functions by breaking down proteins, fat, and DNA/RNA. Acinar cells are stimulated by cholecystokinin (CCK), which is a hormone/neurotransmitter produced by the intestinal cells (I cells) in the duodenum. CCK stimulates the production of the pancreatic zymogens.

    Pancreatic juice, composed of the secretions of both ductal and acinar cells, is made up of the following digestive enzymes:[2]

    • Trypsinogen, which is an inactive(zymogenic) protease that, once activated in the duodenum into trypsin, breaks down proteins at the basic amino acids. Trypsinogen is activated via the duodenal enzyme enterokinase into its active form trypsin.
    • Chymotrypsinogen, which is an inactive (zymogenic) protease that, once activated by duodenal enterokinase, turns into chymotrypsin and breaks down proteins at their aromatic amino acids. Chymotrypsinogen can also be activated by trypsin.
    • Carboxypeptidase, which is a protease that takes off the terminal amino acid group from a protein
    • Several elastases that degrade the protein elastin and some other proteins.
    • Pancreatic lipase that degrades triglycerides into fatty acids and glycerol.
    • Sterol esterase
    • Phospholipase
    • Several nucleases that degrade nucleic acids, like DNAase and RNAase
    • Pancreatic amylase that breaks down starch and glycogen which are alpha-linked glucose polymers. Humans lack the cellulases to digest the carbohydrate cellulose which is a beta-linked glucose polymer.

    Pancreas’s exocrine function owes part of its immaculate function to bio-feedback mechanisms controlling the secretion of its juice. The following significant pancreatic bio-feedback mechanisms are essential to the maintenance of pancreatic juice balance/production:[3]

    • Secretin, a hormone produced by the duodenal “S cells” in response to the stomach chyme containing high hydrogen atom concentration (high acidity), is released into the bloodstream; upon return to the digestive tract, secretion decreases gastric emptying, increases secretion of the pancreatic ductal cells, as well as stimulating pancreatic acinar cells to release their zymogenic juice.
    • Cholecystokinin (CCK) is a unique peptide released by the duodenal “I cells” in response to chyme containing high fat or protein content. Unlike secretin, which is an endocrine hormone, CCK actually works via stimulation of a neuronal circuit, the end result of which is stimulation of the acinar cells to release their content. CCK also increases gallbladder contraction, resulting in bile squeezed into the cystic ductcommon bile duct and eventually the duodenum. Bile, of course, helps absorption of the fat by emulsifying it, increasing its absorptive surface. Bile is made by the liver but is stored in the gallbladder.
    • Gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP) is produced by the mucosal duodenal cells in response to chyme containing high amounts of carbohydrate, proteins, and fatty acids. The main function of GIP is to decrease gastric emptying.
    • Somatostatin is a hormone produced by the mucosal cells of the duodenum and also the “delta cells” of the pancreas. Somatostatin has a major inhibitory effect, including on pancreatic production.
  • I “develop” allergies to enzyme after a couple of weeks – what to do?

    Mr Dale, I always develop allergy after a couple weeks of 1200 pancreatin. Dose it ok to switch to digest ultimate?

    Dale’s Answer: What is happening is the classic liver overflow.

    The solution is to increase coffee enemas to five per day.

    If this does not resolve your symptoms.

    From Dr Kelley’s book “One Answer to Cancer”

    “On” Cycle
    Take the Metabolic Formulas for 10 or more days, until one becomes toxic, but no longer than 25 days.

    Stop If You Feel Sick

    If you become Toxic (a ‘goopy’ sick feeling), ill, nauseated, crabby, have an elevated temperature, or violent headache.

    Stop taking the Metabolic Formulas. (enzymes)

    It is best to stay On your Metabolic Formulas for 10 to 25 days. However, when you suffer negative symptoms anytime after the third day you may Stop taking them at that point.

    It is best to continue for 25 days or until toxicity forces one to Stop. “Off” Cycle Remain Off the Metabolic Formulas for 5 days. You must give the body time to detoxify. Stay Off the Metabolic Formulas the full 5 days even if you feel well enough to continue. Give your body time for repair and rebuilding. You must continue your detoxification program during the “Off” cycle. (See Chapter IV.)


  • MV


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  • Coffee Enema Instructions

    Enema Instructions

    Read why you can benefit from coffee enemas and how they work here:

    Then Download the PDF Here: Basic Instructions (PDF Download)

    Basic Enema Video

    [svpVideo v=2]

    Not Everyone can hold a quart video

    [svpVideo v=1]

    Advanced Enema Instructions

    Advanced Enema Video


    If you add an extension tube to you enema bucket the PDF instruction will save you from a mess:

    Enema Hose Extension Instructions PDF Instructions

    Enema Hose Preparation
    Enema Hose Preparation


    Instruction for Friendly Bacteria Enema  – Get the Toxins Out and Implant Good Bacteria:

    1. Water Enema
    2. Coffee Enema
    3. Friendly Bacteria Enema

    Instruction for Friendly Bacteria Enema

    Fill a quart milk bottle 3/4 full with cool distilled water

    Empty 2 Flora-G Capsules in water and replace cap and shake

    Bonnie Likes to stir with a battery operated stir device:

    Overcoming Allergies

    Dirty Water Warning

    Liver Detoxification with Coffee Enemas and The History of Coffee Enemas

    Coffee Enemas and How To Take Them and The Gerson Method of Making Concentrated Coffee for Coffee Enemas

    Please Submit any Questions you did not find the answers for…

    We want to answer every question you have – ask your question here

    Enema Instructions

    Advanced Instructions Audio


    Enema Bucket Set


    Enema Extension Tube, 14″ (Enema Bucket Attachment)


  • Most complete food report – thanks and my review



    2 fried eggs (olive oil) 184

    1 serving Quinoa 240

    1 serving Chick Peas 200

    1 Rice Cake 60

    1 Apple 85

    2 Dr Praeger Quinoa Black Bean burgers 280

    Baby Kale 45

    1 serving baked salmon 160

    Raw Almonds 260

    2 ounces wheatgrass 20

    1 24 ounce green juice 200

    Cranberry juice concentrate 80

    Zuccini 60


    Not enough movement

    Eating out more than at holidays













    Occasionally when I eat lunch at restaurant (in sauce).


    CHICKEN – 2 or 3 times per week

    Curry chicken – frozen – Whole Foods/Trader Joes

    FISH – frozen or smoked – Wild salmon, mahi mahi, halibut – baked.

    Eat fish usually once daily.

    EGGS – 2 DAILY

    Usually fried, over easy, with baby kale or spinach, and/or beans

    Organic beans (canned) – garbonzo, black bean, white kidney beans.

    Organic broccoli slaw with beans, steamed beets, sliced raw almonds.

    Dr Praeger’s Quinoa Black Bean burger – frozen (1 or 2 for breakfast).

    CURRIES – packaged from Whole Foods – lentil curry or chick pea curry.

    COFFEE – once daily – organic, no sweetener, with almond milk.

    CRANBERRY JUICE, concentrate, no sugar. – diluted in water – 1X daily

    V8 JUICE – ORIGINAL – not every day, maybe 3 glasses a week.

    WHEAT GRASS JUICE, 2 ounces in morning (frozen from

    GREEN JUICE (made at Whole Foods): 24 to 48 ounce daily.

    Kale, Spinach, Celery, Cucumber

    Apple – organic fuji or granny smith – once daily

    Lemon – one daily with ¼ teaspoon baking soda in water

    Grapefruit – 3 x weekly

    Organic fresh blueberries – 3 x weekly

    Organic fresh strawberries – 2 x weekly

    OLIVE OIL – only use olive oil for sautees and salad dressings.

    SALT – I only use HERBAMARE salt (salt with herbs).

    QUINOA – organic, maybe 3 times a week usually with dinner.

    LUNDBERG ORGANIC RICE CAKES – Approx. 3 times weekly.

    POTATOES – sometimes have with my restaurant lunch – do not cook them at home.

    PASTA – Lentil pasta or brown rice/flax pasta.

    OATMEAL – organic steel cut, cooked from scratch.
    VEGIES – at home, for dinner during week and all meals on weekends.

    All organic:

    Zuccini – fresh – steamed

    Brussel Sprouts – fresh – roasted with olive oil

    Broccoli Sprout sald

    Broccoli, fresh or frozen

    Snow Peas – fresh – sautéed

    Okra – fresh – roasted with olive oil

    Onions, garlic – sautéed or steamed with other veggies

    Tomatoes – in salads

    Beets – packaged from Trader Joes – steamed

    Cauliflower – steamed
    SALADS – Lunch at restaurants (Whole Foods, Salata)

    Green mix, beans, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, sprouts – olive oil for dressing

    Beanitos bean chips (Whole Foods)

    Nuts & fruit (daily)

    Raw nuts – pecans, cashews, macademia nuts


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    Recommend you adjust diet to Whole Plant Foods – no free oils for at least three months to give your body the support to heal. Then if you feel you must add in some animal to 5% of calories. (see links below)

    Links to science below.

    Recommend you learn and practice a releasing technique, documents for the process are provided in the email.

    Recommend you carefully measure and note your diet and re-figure your calories since the snacks and Budwig were not included in your calculations.

    Recommend you perform coffee enemas as needed for pain, to stop needing Aleve (Side Effects) and long term usage are know to be quite damaging.

    Recommended Supplements:

    Two containers of clinical strength probiotics Liviotics 350 as directed – PDF in email

    And continue supplementing probiotics

    Probiotic Bacillus Coagulans (Flora G) 120 Caps 133mg


    Kelley Enzymes to dispatch cancer as directed in PDF in email

    1200 Enzymes 30 minutes before eating

    Potassium Salt Compound (used when performing multiple coffee enemas)

    Potassium Compound Salts, 100 Grams, Powder


    Okra-pepsin for six months, (longer if you must eat out or packaged foods)

    Standard Process Okra Pepsin E3, 150 Capsules (50 day supply)



    Salmon Hazard



    Why less than 5% animal intake?


  • Why less than 5% animal intake?

    Don’t believe me, study: Plant Based Diet Education:

    Study these 3 guys:

    John McDougall

    Colin Campbell

    and Caldwell B. Esselstyn

    [svpVideo v=1]

    For Amazon Prime and other Video To TV Services: Player with Youtube also





  • Are Pain Medication OK?

    Pain meds are not my first choice.

    [svpVideo v=1]

    Pain Drugs

    The Good thing about pain drugs is the drug may cover the pain allowing needed rest when the pain is causing sleep loss.

    The Bad thing about pain management through drugs is that they can be addictive, both psychologically and physically.

    The Ugly thing about pain drugs is their long list of Side Effects in addition to causing addiction. Pain drug side effects include:

    (Note: This list is by no means complete.)

    • Constipation
    • Loose Bowels
    • New Aches and Pains
    • Skin problems
    • Reduced motor skills
    • Insomnia
    • Change in Blood Pressure
    • Irritability
    • Stomach Upset (long term damage with some pain drugs)
    • Kidney and Liver problems

    Alternatives to pain drugs include:

    This page is about alternatives to pain drugs



