Author: Dale Maxwell

  • Amalgams and mercury gas exposure

    If you have any amalgams in your mouth, depending on your current strength (etc) removal is advised.

    Dr. Kelley generally would advise that this could be done during the third or fourth month on the Kelley program.


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  • How to get lots of leafy greens in your diet

    What I do is purchase the organic combination sold as super greens in one and one-half pound bags at Costco and freeze them. Once frozen I open the bag enough to keep from busting it when I stand on it to crush into a frozen powder.

    By including more and more in my blender drink most people can get to a full bag every day.

    My original recipe:

    Cancer Recovery Recipe | Fruit Oatmeal Greens Mix


  • Nitric Oxide and Cancer

    I would be cautious when considering this supplement. – Dale

    The role of nitric oxide (NO·) as a mediator of cancer phenotype has led researchers to investigate strategies for manipulating in vivo production and exogenous delivery of this molecule for therapeutic gain. Unfortunately, NO· serves multiple functions in cancer physiology. In some instances, NO· or nitric oxide synthase (NOS) levels correlate with tumor suppression and in other cases they are related to tumor progression and metastasis. Understanding this dichotomy has been a great challenge for researchers working in the field of NO· and cancer therapy. Due to the unique chemical and biochemical properties of NO·, it’s interactions with cellular targets and the subsequent downstream signaling events can be vastly different based upon tumor heterogeneity and microenvironment. Simple explanations for the vast range of NO-correlated behaviors will continue to produce conflicting information about the relevance of NO· and cancer. Paying considerable attention to the chemical properties of NO· and the methodologies being used will remove many of the discrepancies in the field and allow for in depth understanding of when NO-based chemotherapeutics will have beneficial outcomes.



  • Serra – Young Women with Cancer

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    Continue with Plant based diet

    Watch This Video On Diet

    NO OIL! Really, NO oil! Webinar 03/17/16 Dr. McDougall

    Connect on Youtube with Nutritionfacts

    Read M.D. Michael Greger MD’s book “How Not to Die”




    Away from meals 3x per day 12 capsules each time


    Thirty minutes before meals 7 or 8 capsules three times per day

    Pancreatin, 1200 mg, 1,000 Capsules, Take 30 Minutes Before Food

    Not sure about tablets or capsules read this post:

    Pancreatic Enzyme Capsules or Tablets? What is Best For You?


    Additional Supplements to consider, please read:

    Potassium Compound Salts, 100 Grams, Powder


    Standard Process Okra Pepsin E3, 150 Capsules (50 day supply)

    Detoxing (getting the toxins out)

    What is detoxing and what is not


    Read the document collection on detoxing (Link for download is located under “My Account

    Detox Education Collection Download



    Based on your history you will want to become well practiced with releasing (Link for download is located under “My Account

    Emotions and Cancer Instructions for Systematically Overcoming Trauma




  • OAC Warning & Disclaimer

    The publisher and the distributors, Christian Cancer Volunteers, Cancer Coalition for Alter- native Therapies Inc., College Health Stores, LLC and The Road To Health, Inc. do not en- dorse any of the views, procedures, treatments or Metabolic Supplementation presented in this Text. Publication and distribution is made solely to inform readers who have a specific interest in alternative treatments for cancer. Readers are cautioned against following any course of treatment for any serious disease without medical consultation. The views expressed herein are those of the author solely and the publisher and the distributor disclaim any association with the author’s views and comments.

  • Kelly enzymes are bothering her stomach?

    Also just wanted to share this with you…the Kelly enzymes are bothering her stomach? She is only up to 2 a day but she had pains in her belly. I gave her a coffee enema but it didn’t help. She was very sore. I told her to pull back until Monday… She didn’t take any yesterday and her stomach felt fine.
    Is this normal?

    Most any pain is a reflection of liver overflow.

    Timing is the only variable if it seems to be withing just a few minutes of consuming, the pain could indicate something else.

    Hi, the pain is not within a few minutes after the enzymes, it comes on after a few hours when she pulls back from them her stomach is fine.

    This is definitely a liver overflow of her liver.

    The enzymes are causing breaking of the cancer cells, the broken debris is then collected in the liver and the liver overflows. The weakest or most sensitive area of the body is affected by the re-circulation of the debris will always be affected. Most people get a headache, your mom happens to be her stomach area.

    Some what is the remedy? Coffee enemas?

    Yes more coffee enemas, up to five per day.

    In Dr. Kelley’s book One Answer to Cancer, this is clearly explained.


  • Eye exercise to reduce strain and reduce stress

    Common 21st century causes of pain

    • TV
    • Cell Phones
    • Computers
    • Indoor Life
    • and more

    One easy way to combat fatigue

    Here are the simple step by step instructions:

    If possible set a timer for 15 minutes.

    If you are in a room smaller than fifteen feet in length this may be hard to achieve.

    Remove your glasses.

    Using a handy pencil or pen hold it about seven to ten inches in front of your face.

    Focus on the item.

    Then focus away.

    Bounce back and focus on the to closer item.

    Pick a different far away item.

    Then a closer one.

    If you have a window, choose five places outside of the window to focus on (at different distances if possible).

    Repeat this process for thirty seconds or so every fifteen minutes.

    It only takes a couple of minutes each hour to do this and you will find your mood is elevated, your vision is better and, best of all, you have less headaches and fatigue.

    One drawback to this process: You may, after doing this process, need to change your prescription glasses or ditch them altogether – Is this a drawback?

  • What is detoxing and what is not

    I am posting this because the question came up from Paul in a Skype message, I hope these lists will help you understand.



    A Detoxing Process

    Coffee enemas


    Mini trampoline

    Liver cleanse

    Short fasts

    Caster oil packs

    Mud packs

    Epson salt bath

    Chickpea in flesh

    Exercise? (sweating)

    Colon cleanse

    Colon hydrotherapy? (colonic)

    21-day Multivite Detox?


    Far infrared lamp



    Not a Detoxing Process

    Most supplements


    Taking Enymes


    Rife machine

  • Nat Questionnaire and Recomendtions

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    Diet – more balance, less oil

    NO OIL! Really, NO oil! Webinar 03/17/16 Dr. McDougall

    If you find there are Root Canals:

    Root Canal Removal Resources

    Dr. John McDougall discusses the topic of Cancer. Can a healthy diet slow and/or stop most cancers?

    I specifically recommend as much raw whole foods as you can manage, testing yourself by keeping a log and noting results of diet changes as well as any supplements you may add to the Kelley program.

    Also, test if you feel better when using the Vitamix to break the food down. Many people have found that the smaller pieces of raw foods yield an improved digestion. This in addition to consuming enzymes thirty minutes prior to eating will assure better production of new cells.

    Pancreatic Enzyme Capsules or Tablets? What is Best For You?

    Enzymes to be taken well away from food:

    Additional Supplies:

    Potassium is taken to replace some of the electrolytes flushed out with multiple coffee enemas

    Potassium Compound Salts, 100 Grams, Powder

    Okra pepsin is taken for six months to clean out the mucus that has built up in the small intestine due to past consumption of packaged and processed foods.

    Standard Process Okra Pepsin E3, 150 Capsules (50 day supply)

    Iodine is commonly used

    Iodoral, 12.5 mg. 90 tablets (may substitute practitioner version)

    Ongoing Liver Support

    I recommend Clear Multivite all in one easy way to consume plant-based protein as needed

    Try one container and see if you agree

    If you feel “run down” you may need to supplement iron (just pay attention and see if you need it)

    True Chelate, Iron and Methyl Homocysteine Regulate 60 Caps Each

    To rebuild your gut, one or two containers of clinical strength probiotics

    Other questions? Please check the support blog first and then submit any question to me that you did not find an answer to your satisfaction.

    Search using the search feature at the bottom of all pages, or visit and browse the answers/

  • Beth, 69 yr old Female Questionnaire Review


    [svpVideo v=1]

    Diet – more balance, less oil


    NO OIL! Really, NO oil! Webinar 03/17/16 Dr. McDougall


    Root Canal Removal Resources


    Dr. John McDougall discusses the topic of Cancer. Can a healthy diet slow and/or stop most cancers?

    I specifically recommend as much raw whole foods as you can manage, testing yourself by keeping a log and noting results of diet changes as well as any supplements you may add to the Kelley program.

    Also, test if you feel better when using the Vitamix to break the food down. Many people have found that the smaller pieces of raw foods yield an improved digestion. This in addition to consuming enzymes thirty minutes prior to eating will assure better production of new cells.

    Pancreatic Enzyme Capsules or Tablets? What is Best For You?


    Enzymes to be taken well away from food:


    Additional Supplies:

    Potassium is taken to replace some of the electrolytes flushed out with multiple coffee enemas

    Potassium Compound Salts, 100 Grams, Powder


    Okra pepsin is taken for six months to clean out the mucus that has built up in the small intestine due to past consumption of packaged and processed foods.

    Standard Process Okra Pepsin E3, 150 Capsules (50 day supply)

    Iodine is commonly used

    Iodoral, 12.5 mg. 90 tablets (may substitute practitioner version)

    Ongoing Liver Support

    I recommend Clear Multivite all in one as a better alternative to cellect

    Try one container and see if you agree


    If you feel “run down” you may need to supplement iron (just pay attention and see if you need it)

    True Chelate, Iron and Methyl Homocysteine Regulate 60 Caps Each

    To rebuild your gut, one or two containers of clinical strength probiotics



    Other questions? Please check the support blog first and then submit any question to me that you did not find an answer to your satisfaction.

    Search using the search feature at the bottom of all pages, or visit and browse the answers/










  • Supplements for Vision Repair

    BF asks Dale for guidance on vision challenges.

    Dale Responds

    Cataracts a medical condition in which the lens of the eye becomes progressively opaque, resulting in blurred vision.

    If your body is starved for quality plant nutrition, green leafy vegetables deliver calcium in the angstrom size (ready for use, not requiring further breakdown of the size by digestion) and you ingest calcium that is bigger (supplements, tap water, mineral water etc) your body will store the calcium in the hope it will be able to break it down and use it later. This storage is a key component in arthritis and cataracts.

    If your digestive system is working perfectly all you need to do is consume a 95% plant (by calories) and distilled water.

    If you have sustained damage (gall bladder removal for instance), learning how much supplementation of pancreatic enzymes is advised.

    See Again for some herbal nutrients and as an eye wash will assist and should be included.

    Complete Liver support is recommended to support and regenerate your liver is working hard and with no gallbladder, for you, it is more important.





  • Cancer Battle – Chemo not working

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    Understanding what the drugs do and why they are not a long-term solution.

    Please research each and understand the short and long-term damage each one can cause and well as look up the known drug interactions (not by any means a completely understood.)

    Link to find Drug Interaction lookups.

    Protocol recommended

    21-day detox


    Re-inoculate Gut Bacteria

    Six months on okra-pepsin to improve absorption of nutrients



    Potassium salts to supplement Electrolyte loss from multiple coffee-enemas


    Enzymes to support immune system and digest cancer


    Tablets or capsules for thirty minutes before eating 


    Detoxing Options with Dr. Ashkar Method



