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Author: Dale Maxwell
What about parasite cleansing formula?
Leo Asks Dale:
What about parasite cleansing formula? Do you have one?
When you consume a therapeutic amount of Pancreatic Enzymes, the enzymes will destroy any parasites so an additional parasite cleanse is not needed.
Please do not hesitate to ask me any question via skype or the message link in the lower right-hand corner of the page.
Dale Maxwell,
Disease Recovery Coach
How often should we do enemas?
Leo Asks Dale:
How often should we do enemas?
Coffee enemas are done in order to remove the toxins (created by the enzymes breaking up the cancer) from the body.
A minimum of one coffee enema a day is required when you are on a therapeutic dose of pancreatic enzymes. In Dr. Kelley’s Book, “One Answer To Cancer,” he recommends up to five each day as needed. If you have liver overflow symptoms such as headaches, nausea or pain that are not managed with five coffee enemas the recommendation is to take a break from the enzymes for five days and then resume the enzymes, continuing the five enemas each day during the break from the enzymes.
Please do not hesitate to ask me any question via skype or the message link in the lower right-hand corner of the page.
Dale Maxwell,
Disease Recovery Coach
Why a Coffee Enema?
Leo Asks Dale:
Can we do a soda or plain water enema instead of a coffee one?
No other enema does what a coffee enema does.
The caffeine in the coffee enema causes the liver and gallbladder to dilate dumping the toxin-laden bile.
To get the toxins out quickly, there is nothing else you can do to substitute a coffee enema.
A water enema is good for hydrating and often used before a coffee enema to prevent the jitters. When you get jittery after taking a coffee enema it’s due to your body being dehydrated, which causes the caffeine in the coffee to be absorbed into the bloodstream and not properly getting to the liver and gallbladder. A water enema will hydrate you and, when you take a coffee enema immediately afterward, the caffeine will get to the liver and gallbladder.
Please do not hesitate to ask me any question via skype or the message link in the lower right-hand corner of the page.
Dale Maxwell,
Disease Recovery Coach
I am losing my hair
Diana Asks Dale:I am losing my hair ,more than usual. I am doing enzymes, cellect budwig, kimchi, B17, B15, and coffee enemas 2 to 3 times daily, sometimes 4, apricot pitsDiet- salads, bean burgers, baked french fries, soups more salad, bread, peanut butter and juices with spinach and fruit for breakfast. Some times an egg in salads and, mushrooms, mushroom burgers, veggies-kale-swiss chard-broccoli, carrots,cauliflower. Hi Diana,
Some thoughts:If you are buying factory made bean burgers, baked french fries, commercial peanut butter, mushroom burgers or anything else from package or box or freezer section you are consuming food additives.If you can eliminate these additives, you will reduce the toxins you are consuming.Okra Pepsin removes the mucus from the small intestine. Every time you eat food additives, colors, texture enhancements, etc. your gut produces mucus to protect you.Six months of Okra-Pepsin after you have stopped producing extra mucus to clean it all up.The mucus is blocking you from absorbing all the nutrients that are available. When you get all the nutrients, I think you hair problem will resolve.Stop all the herbal remedies, this could also be contributing to the problemPregnancy after 30 years of age has more risks, how to face the challenges
In many ways older women are better equipped for managing a family. In other ways there are more challenges. Below I will make a list for you to consider.
More difficult pregnancy.
Creating a child sucks huge amounts of minerals out of your body.
You can improve your odds by changing your diet to supplement massive amounts of angstrom size minerals. Best results come from green leafy vegetables. Increase healthy minerals before pregnancy, during pregnancy, and for several years after pregnancy.
Do a thorough liver detox and regeneration before pregnancy if possible.
Understand your metabolism and what is the best diet for you. The healthier you are, the healthier your offspring, needs. Nutritional needs are more important the older you are.
In my cancer consultations I see a very high percentage of women in their late forties and early fifties who gave birth in their thirties and now have cancer. They did not know they needed to make the above changes in their diet and lifestyle to continue to remain cancer free.
This post is not meant to be the whole story on pregnancy after thirty.
Help with Healing Open Wound on Breast
Instructions for Lili:
Liver Support
LivRite Capsules: Take 2 caps 4 times a day for 60 days then reduce amount to 1 cap 4 times a day. Use continuously to detox at 1 cap 4 times a day.
Wound Care
Let us get the wound to heal. If it is weeping a little, let it dry out as much as possible.
Get off the hydrogen peroxide as I think it is too strong. Use colloidal silver instead. Cover wound only to protect clothes as need. Keep it in the open air as much as possible. Spray the colloidal silver on and allow to air dry. This may be done several times a day as needed.
You must use a condom with intercourse to reduce the injection of toxins (possible infections). Note from Bonnie: Nothing helps getting rid of an infection as much as not being reinfected.
Trace minerals concentrate for alkalizing (3 times daily) (Can you get locally?)
Branched Chain Amino Acid (BCAA) Take three times a day between meals for assisting in tissue repair. Follow the above link to listen to a telephone interview with Alexy Goldstein about how and when to use branched chain amino acids for helping to rebuild tissue.
Your thoughts? I am currently taking the Cellect product and Budwig cottage cheese.
Your thoughts? I am currently taking the Cellect product and Budwig cottage cheese.
Not everyone does well on Cellect -budwig (or anything elese)
Here is my suggestion for you, keep a log each day, how you feel after eating, your energy levels and any thoughts you have on how you are doing.
After a few days, at the end of a container of cottage cheese, lay off the cellect and the cottage cheese replacing your calories with your favorite blended drink in about the same value, Keep posting to the log. In about five days, review the log. Did you feel more energy on the cellect budwig? If you did not the I suggest you test a container of Clear all-in-one multivite (a vegan replacement for cellect) and do the same test.
Please do not hesitate to ask me any question via skype or the message link in the lower right hand corner of the page.
Dale Maxwell,
Disease Recovery Coach
The big keys to recovery from disease (cancer and others)
As close to vegan as you can manage.
Grind your food with the VitaMix.
Distilled water for drinking and enemas.
Nine hours or more of rest.
Kelley Enzymes away from food to break the cancer cells.
Enough Enemas to manage the dumping the liver of dead cancer cells produced by the Kelley Enzymes breaking them.
Enzymes to digest the food after the stomach (1200 tablets).
Okra Pepsin for six months to clean the mucus from the small intestine.
Enough calories to maintain weight.
Emotional releasing to resolve the stress that contributed to disease.
Detox your body, if you have any root canals, get them out, amalgams out.
thought I might want to add the Hydrochloric acid pills recommended by Dr. Kelly at one per meal?
Lori Asks Dale:
I am in the middle of reading One Answer to Cancer and also working with Mike Vrentas. Are the Pep enzymes the same as Formula CA+? I just placed an order and thought I might want to add the Hydrochloric acid pills recommended by Dr. Kelly at one per meal?
I prefer you use a Vitamix when you can instead of HCL to read more follow the link below:
Please do not hesitate to ask me any question via skype or the message link in the lower right-hand corner of the page.
Dale Maxwell,
Disease Recovery Coach
Dr. Coldwell: The Only Answer to Cancer Videos
Dr. Coldwell: The Only Answer to Cancer Part 1
Dr. Coldwell: The Only Answer to Cancer Part 2
Dr. Coldwell: The Only Answer to Cancer Part 3
Dr. Coldwell: The Only Answer to Cancer Part 4
Dr. Coldwell: The Only Answer to Cancer Part 5
Dr. Coldwell: The Only Answer to Cancer Part 6
Dr. Coldwell: The Only Answer to Cancer Part 7
Dr. Coldwell: The Only Answer to Cancer Part 8
Dr. Leonard Coldwell – Cancer Screenings are a Giant Scam
More videos by Dr Leonard Coldwell Peroxide to Increase Oxygen in the Body
Food-Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Health Benefits Video
How to use hydrogen peroxide orally:
The following instructions are roughly as recommended by Dr Leonard Coldwell in his books (for a more in-depth understanding of why to use hydrogen peroxide to improve your health you may want to purchase his books and his I.B.M.S stress reduction program). However, if you already know of the extraordinary health benefits of hydrogen peroxide, you can start using his instructions as soon as you buy 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide.
Warning: before dilution this product can do serious damage. Hydrogen peroxide must be handled with extreme caution including gloves and safety goggles to protect you.
Instructions for using 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide:
Start with 3 drops in 8 ounces of distilled water.
Drink this mixture (gradually increasing the amount of hydrogen peroxide) three times a day for thirty days on an empty stomach. Increase the number of drops by one drop each day for the next twenty-two days. Stop increasing when you reach 25 drops per day and continue with that amount until you have been consuming hydrogen peroxide for 35 days.
Next, continue to drink the 25 drops, but cut down to drinking it only two times per day for 14 days then cut down to drinking it only once per day for another seven days. Then cut down by one drop each day until you get to 8 drops per day. You may continue drinking eight drops per day if you find this valuable for your health.
What to say to (well meaning?) family members who are pushing me for doing chemotherapy
I asked, “Do I understand you have decided to give up and do chemotherapy?”
First, understand they the are just victims of the endless brainwashing of the pharmaceutical / medical community, who spend billions of dollars to sell people on enrolling in chemotherapy.
Second, ask your family to help you by saying: “Please help me by researching the specific chemotherapy they are recommending that I allow to be put into my body. I want to know the exact research and results that show this product will improve my life, my recovery expectation, and the possible side effects.”
NOTE: The Doctor, medical community, pharmaceutical industry and a whole army of researchers will not be able to provide any satisfactory proof that the chemotherapy will do anything to improve your life.
The Doctor’s big pitch and pressure is: “DO IT FAST, BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE.” They know that anyone who does the research on any chemotherapy product will never allow this poison to be put into their body.
A second Doctor pitch is: “THIS Miracle Drug IS BRAND NEW, you will be helping others by taking it, even it is too late for you.” With this pitch they are hoping to make you think you will be a hero for being a test subject for others who might be helped. (It amazes me that these pitches are so successful.)
Video “Power Plants”
Please do not hesitate to ask me any question via skype or the message link in the lower right hand corner of the page.
Dale Maxwell,
Disease Recovery Coach