Author: Dale Maxwell

  • Foods to Test to Find Out if You are Sensitive or Intolerant to Consuming

    How to test to find out if you are sensitive.

    Keep a log of how your feel and what you eat, and how they are prepared. Note any aches or stiffness or pains that are noticed anytime with 24 to 36 hours. If you note any symptoms, now that you are aware, why would you want to continue consuming items from the nightshade family?

    Rotate out any foods you suspect or are on the following list.

    A common group that is often craved is any of the nightshade family.

    • Potatoes (sweet potatoes and yams are not nightshades)
    • Tomatoes
    • Peppers
    • Eggplant
    • Tomatillos
    • Goji Berries and Some Other Berries

    Small, red goji berries fall into the nightshade family. These slightly sweet berries, sometimes called wolfberries, are native to Asia.

    They can be eaten raw, dried or made into juice. They’re easy nightshades to avoid, but do read ingredient lists of all juices, smoothies, teas and nutritional supplements to be sure they don’t contain goji berries. Other berries that are nightshades include garden huckleberries, ground cherries, and cape gooseberries, but not normal gooseberries nor blueberries.

  • Foods to Absolutely Avoid (and Why)

    Processed foods (anything from a package, frozen, refrigerated, canned or boxed) with just a few exceptions.


    • Frozen organic fruits
    • Frozen organic vegetables (no salt)

    Why to avoid processed foods:

    • Food additives (flavor, texture, color, shelf life)
    • Soy Protein Isolate (increases IGF1, makes cancer grow)
    • Fills you up without giving you the benefits of whole foods (mostly raw)

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    Links to the Governments lists and guidelines for “Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) food like substances”

    Another Gift from Richard Nixon:

    This database allows access to opinions and conclusions from 115 SCOGS reports published between 1972-1980 on the safety of over 370 Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) food substances. The GRAS ingredient reviews were conducted  by the Select Committee in response to a 1969 White House directive by President Richard M. Nixon (see History of GRAS and SCOGS) from the link below:


    Just one of the categories “color”:



  • How do I get off 14 drugs and recover from cancer

    I. S. asks Dale

    How do I get off 14 drugs and recover from cancer?

    Including multiple, blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, acid (stomach) blocker, anti-psychotics.

    Here is the list of areas we will need to work on.

    • Detox
    • Managing the process of reducing the drugs
    • Diet
    • Dealing with the emotions of the past events
    • Enzymes

    Part one detox and liver support

    Detoxing will include multiple coffee enemas.

    And a modified version of the 21-day detox for your case.

    Clear MultiVite All In One

    You will consume one serving per day of the Clear MultiVite All In One each day for 21 days, then test moving to two servings per day, if you react to two serving well then 21 days at two servings. If not stay on one serving per day for another 21 days then test again.

    When you can manage two serving each day, take two serving each day, one AM and one PM, for 21 days then test three servings day following the above instructions.

    At the same time: Liver support with LiveRite

    Begin also to take four capsules AM and four capsules PM. These are best taken away from food if you can manage. Take these for four months and then we will consider reducing to two AM and two PM, depending on your success in reducing the pharmaceuticals.

    Okra-Pepsin, these are taken one capsule, three times per day with food, the goal with this supplement is to begin to remove the built up mucus gently in the small intestine. Any build-up of mucus will reduce the ability of nutrition to pass successfully into the body. Mucus is the bodies way 0f defending itself and based on the pre-coaching document you have provided you will need this supplement.

    At the same time: Okra-pepsin, to improve your ability to successfully absorb nutrients

    Okra-pepsin is taken for six months minimum, begin counting the time after your diet has been the transitioned to a Vegan, whole food, free of flowing oils.




  • Two Home Made Stove Top Breads

    Submitted and shared by Nawal

    I am making bread from quinoa flour and buckwheat flour no oil just flour and water.

    Ok, I am doing another type of bread its called dosa is Indian food. It is a mixture of lentils or legumes and brown rice. The lentils and legumes and rice are soaked in water over night. in the morning, it’s a little bit fermented. I keep water one side, put the stuff in a blender and blend adding that water according to need until a liquidy dough if formed. Then I cook it as crepe in a noon stick fry pan, no oil at all

    Yes, the bread is made into a dough, the I spread it flat and cook it on the nonstick pan. I bought a stainless steel fry pan coated with ceramic.

    Thanks for the feedback.

    My preference for frying pans is stainless steel, I like the ones marketed as “waterless” they have multiple layers, seven or nine. Or if you want an electric skillet, it would be an oil core stainless.

    Here is the link to the waterless cookware

    I use waterless cookware exclusively when I cook.

    Some vegetables do not need any water – most use about an eight of an inch in the bottom of the pan then fill 2/3 of the pot with veggies and set on medium. Put on the lid. Most will whistle, or click. Then turn to close the valve and take off heat. In 3-5 minutes cooked to perfection.

    I had corn on the cob cooked this way today, first of the season, and it was sweet as sugar (as I remember sugar.)

    Waterless Cookware Books

  • Who Says Eggs Aren’t Healthy or Safe?

    In reviewing Ann’s Diet, I suggested that eliminating eggs will potentially help speed her recovery from breast cancer.

    Here is why the USDA says eggs cannot be labeled as safe or healthy, please watch the video and see the proof.


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  • What to do to Avoid Cataract Surgery

    Peter Asks Dale

    What to do to Avoid Cataract Surgery?

    1. Distilled water only, drink plenty  ( Dirty Water Warning Book )
    2. See Again or Eye Support Plus
    3. 21-day detox (scroll down for instructions)
    4. LiveRite Liver Support
    5. As close as you can manage to a vegan, whole foods plant based diet
    6. Read the Bates Method Book (Vision strengthening)
    7. 45 minutes per day minimum movement, walking is fine.
    8. Coffee Enemas to Support detoxing (as needed)
    9. Relax, it took years to create cataracts, but you may see improvement in as little as a few weeks, but do not go back to your old habits.


  • Enzyme Dosage for Prevention / Maintenance

    Marjo asks Dale

    Enzyme Dosage for Prevention / Maintenance after cancer recovery?

    Your body will tell you if you press the number of enzymes by gradually increasing the dosage until you notice the burning butt. The burn is caused by the enzymes passing through and not being used by the body.

    My understanding is what happens when you get older is the capacity of the pancreas is no longer creating enough to do the complete job of digesting food and cleaning all the mutant cells.

    The pancreas is robust and is capable of recovery when treated with a whole food plant based diet along with the enzymes. It took me just over two years to get back to the point that even a tiny amount of pancreatic enzymes will cause a bit of butt burning after just a day or two.

    I think most people will never get to this point in recovery and repair because they are not as much of a fanatic about food as I have become.

    The Instructions for testing are located here: Be sure and watch my video where

    I elaborate on the text.

    Remember also that the over 3000 food additives the FDA has classified as GRAS (generally recognised as safe) will challenge your ability to heal and regenerate, so commercially prepared foods, at least in my experience will keep you from getting to the point you no longer need any enzyme supplements.



  • Documenting Your Progress

    I am  often asked for my suggestions on documenting progress.

    I recommend documenting any externally visible location in this manner:

    1. Take to or more photo(s) each week, from the same angles and using the same reference.
    2. Use a ruler or a coin.
    3. Use the same camera.
    4. Position the same distance away when possible.
    5. If your camera does not date and time, you will have to.

    Be thankful and release, it can take weeks or months and if you do not keep this kind of record you will not be a good judge of progress when using your memory only.

    If you are willing to share progress go ahead and send me the photos before and monthly is enough.

  • I am unclear about the PEP.

    Denise Asks Dale
    I am unclear about the PEP.   What is in the formula?  Is it a mixture of enzymes that digest fats, protein, and carbs?   How many capsules do you take?   With meals?
    The Gonzales brand by Nutricology is a lot cheaper. Is there a reason for this?
    From the Nutricology Label:
    About the Product
    • It is a dietary supplement
    • Contains significant levels of amylase, protease, and lipase
    • This natural glandular material is processed by lyophilization of glands derived from government-inspected, range-fed animals, raised in New Zealand without hormones or antibiotics

    Each Capsule Contains 425MG Plus the fillers listed: Other ingredients: Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, microcrystalline cellulose, L-leucine, silicon dioxide.;

    Today’s Price as follows:

    Kelley Enzyme In comparison is the formula that Dr. Kelley Formulated and Used with great success.

    750 MG Freeze Dried Gland (lyophilization)  with added chymotrypsin and assorted glandular tissue to assist with healing. NO FILLERS

    So they both start with similar preparation of the gland, wich would have trace amounts of many enzymes that are in the pancreas.

    Kelley Enzyme is 360 Capsules for $235.00 so yes it is more expensive, yet I continue to recommend using it in the protocol. It works.

    For use 30 minutes before food, I think the 1200 mg tablets we recommend at the current price of $165 for 1000 tablets, is just as effective for digesting the “fats, protein, and carbs” at a better price point.

    I did a spreadsheet and the difference is 375.75 per 30-day cycle (25 days on and five days off) at current prices.

    Image of the spreadsheet below:




  • Damage from Chemo and Cholestyramine

    Denise asks Dale for roadmap to recovery:

    Recommended starting point for Denise R

    In order of implementation recommended.

    Check with vendor on MOPA ok with Titanium tooth implant:

    Implants Screws and other things that have been placed in your body may affect frequency devices.

    Titanium is not a good conductor of electricity. If the conductivity of copper is considered to be 100%, titanium would have a conductivity of 3.1%. From this, it follows that titanium would not be used where good conductivity is a prime factor. For comparison, stainless steel has a conductivity of 3.5% and aluminum has a conductivity of 30%

    If MOPA OK then Testing with trifield for conductivity.

    See if more conductivity near implant location – let me know.

    Trifield and RIFE (MOPA)

    Trifield usage videos on youtube:

    Okra- pepsin six months 3x day

    Resolving the diarrhea, the drug Cholestyramine has been messing up the balance of liver function and in my opinion, should be stopped. Please keep in touch and let me know how it is going.

    Probiotics to repopulate the gut.


    Vitamix Buy Link


    4 am 4 p for to months then 2 am 2 pm

    21-day detox CMV Vegan Version of instructions

    Electrolytes Potassium Salt Compound

    Bucket and Extension Tube



    PEP and 1200 tablets

    Instructions for PEP and 1200 Tablets



    Plenty of red Reets

  • Are the pep enzymes effective in treating lipomas

    Mike Asks Dale

    Are the pep enzymes effective in treating lipomas?

    First. They seem to be something that some people get and if you are one of those people who happens to be having this, it does seem to run in families so ask any sibilings.

    Lipomas are single or multiple, benign subcutaneous tumors that are easily recognized because they are soft, rounded, or lobulated and movable against the overlying skin. Many lipomas are small but may also enlarge to 6 cm. They occur especially on the neck, trunk, and on the extremities but can occur anywhere on the body. Lipomas are composed of fat cells that have the same morphology as normal fat cells, and there is a connective tissue framework.



    Since they are not identified or behaving like a tumor, they will most likely not respond to Enzyme therapy in my opinion.

    I could not find any clear indication that an overweight person is more likely to have this that a thin person so other than the normal benefits from being thin.

    I did find a poultice recipe – let me know if you have andy success with it.

    And a link to another site:



