Author: Dale Maxwell

  • Kelley Process

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    The chart below is the updated budget enzyme recommendation. The Kelley Enzymes are taken well away from food. The 1200’s are taken thirty minutes prior to each meal.

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    Kelley Enzymes  1200 Pancreatin


  • Considering Biopsy

    Behavior or Doctors is many times, less than honorable (even dishonest and worse).

    The two reasons that Doctors are placing these unnatural and toxic markers in women, normalizing the practice of removing tissue and leaving a piece of metal (think shrapnel) behind in preparation to going back to cut out tissue (mastectomy or lumpectomy) are more money and the next surgery.

    These quotes from a “reputable” site (started by a Medical Doctor) link below.

    Titanium marker clips are regularly used to mark the spot where a breast biopsy has been done. If the biopsy comes back positive, the surgeon uses the clip to guide him to the exact spot where the cancerous cells were found. In years gone by, surgeons would typically perform a mastectomy if cancer cells were present in the breast; these days, the treatment – lumpectomy – is much more conservative, with only a small part of the breast being removed: the immediate area where cancer was found.

    Sometimes the surgeon will inform you ahead of time if a clip will be inserted; but many times, it’s simply considered a necessary part of the surgery, and isn’t discussed. Titanium is an inert substance, and shouldn’t cause a reaction. However, some women do seem to have pain, soreness, discoloration, and other side effects from this clip.

    ** Comment and warning by Dale, If you decide on a biopsy, you must be specific  (in writing) with your wishes and limitations, since according to this site,  about 85% of biopsies are negative. You do not want marker left in your body.

    Since the clip is bothering you, see if you can have it removed. Surgeons are often reluctant to go back in and take it out, fearing complications from another surgery. But it’s your right to have it done; so advocate for yourself until you find a surgeon who’ll perform the removal for you.


    Luckily, about 85% of biopsies are negative; no cancer. But you have to go through the procedure anyway. And it nearly always involves leaving a small marker, or clip, in the exact area biopsied.

    Why? If cancer is present, and further surgery is needed, the surgeon will be able to go back to that exact spot to remove the tumor – which could be tiny, perhaps as small as 1/16”.  Thus the need for a marker.
    The marker is small – about the size of a sesame seed. It’s made of titanium, a “biocompatible metal” – it won’t react with anything in your body. It also won’t set off security alarms at the airport, interfere with future MRIs, or cause any other problems.


    Different Shapes


  • Enzyme doing their job sometimes overflow the liver

    P.B. asks Dale Q –  Dale, would like to share changes which I felt after reducing PEP from 12 to 5 as per your recommendation. while taking 12 PEP away from a meal, was feeling less energy in the body, less appetite and had a rash on the body, so it means it was working very well. As soon as reduce to 5 more energy level, less rash on body level of appetite as increased, so it means less effective.

    I am maintaining five enema/day.

    A – As you move through the process of destroying the cancer cells it is many times the case that the enzymes will cause the side effects you have experienced, rash, reduced energy and more.

    In Dr. Kelley’s book, he advises a twenty-five day on and five days off rhythm at full dose.  It is also written and observed that in the early days you may need a five-day break more frequently than every twenty-five days.

    You have, by reducing the dosage achieved a similar result.

    Your body will change from time to time and you may be able to resume more aggressive dosage amounts as your total cancer load is reduced.

    When people return to working full time they often, in order to manage the reduced number of enemas must reduce the total enzymes each day so that they can function well in their job.

    As long as you are continuing to ‘push’ the number of enzymes toward the therapeutic 54 grams each day the progress toward cancer free is going in the correct direction.

    I have seen over the 1000’s of cases I have supervised some people cut back too far and they will get a wake-up call (test results not getting better or pain or lump reforming.)

    Maintaining the forward motion that moves you toward full recovery is a process I can only witness and advise on.

    It is well advised that this recovery process is not a quick fix and will take the time that it takes. Dr. Kelley said that it generally takes six to eighteen months to arrive at full recovery.

    You are correct on your observation and are learning well, congratulations. – Dale


  • Free Support vs Paid Coaching

    Q – Please clarify how much “free” cancer advice can be expected by skype and question box.


    A –

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    Paid coaching options:

    Choose the amount of support you desire from as little as a 20-minute quick question to a full day. 


  • Is there a Non-Porcine Alternative For Pancreatin?

    Ask of Dale: Is there a Non-Porcine Alternative For Pancreatin?

    Dale’s Answer:

    Kelley pancreas enzymes each capsule has 750mg and if taken as suggested by Dr. Kelley 12 capsules six times each day.

    Or Kelley enzymes taken only away from meals 12 capsules three times per day and less expensive pancreatin USP consumed thirty minutes prior to meals (1200 pancreatin) seven tablets three times.

    These amounts and timing have worked very successfully for decades.

    If the problem with pork is a religious belief, please check with your spiritual advisor, in past cases it was discovered that it was fine to consume the enzymes.

    Alternatives to pork enzymes have not been as successful, this may be due to the fact that the pig is an omnivore and can successfully consume and digest anything a human can consume and much more.

    Below are some products that can be consumed, that along with the other approaches my help.

    There are enzymes from Bovine (cow) such as Wobinezyme, they also include many additional enzymes that taken in large quantity are suspect in being toxic. The problem with this formula is that the Bovine pancreatic is only 100mg per tablet so in order to get to the therapeutic dose of  54 grams per day you would have to consume 540 tablets. No one can successfully take this many each day. In addition, cows can only digest plants and so using bovine pancreas is not as successful as porcine for cancer.

    Lamb pancreas enzymes  425mg. Would take  21 capsules six times per day.

    Plant-based Multi-Enzymes with amylase, protease, and lipase. 650 mg. Would take  13 capsules six times per day.



  • Trauma Release Process

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  • Can this cause cancer?

    Might sound like a weird question, but my dad died of pancreatic cancer, and I asked my mom what she thinks caused it, and since he was a mailman he drove a mail truck, and it was flipped over once. I forget how exactly that works be she said something about him being upside down for so long. This concerns me because a friend of mine from school told me they were in a car that flipped over once and I’m hoping nothing bad will happen to them. But this is only a theory, another one she brought up is that his parents smoked a lot, and he inhaled a lot of second-hand smoke, which is more likely, but I just want to make sure my friend will be ok.

    Answered by Dale

    I have interviewed cancer victims for more than twenty years and have found a trauma event in each person’s history.

    The three things that disable or restrict your body’s ability to dispose of  cancer (mutated) cells  that your immune system will normally attack and destroy are:


    • Carcinogens (chemicals that you are exposed to). These include food additives, pesticides, herbicides, pharmaceuticals, cigarette smoke, combustion fumes and much more.
    • Physical assaults: surgeries, dental surgeries, accidents, military service (PTSD) and such. The difference between a person who has been assaulted and “gets” cancer, or another disease, and the one who does not is how they react to the emotional trauma that happens to those who have been assaulted.
    • Emotional traumas. These can include betrayal,  divorce, robbery, rape, discrimination, bearing a child (especially after 30 years old),being trapped in a vehicle (upside down or not) job loss, the death of a spouse, close family member or a close friend or any event that is traumatic and then replayed at a conscious or other than conscious level, retriggering the emotion.

    One person lets go of the emotional charge created at the time of the event, and another (the person who develops cancer) replays the event at a cellular level over and over. The important thing to understand is that releasing the emotion is, for some people, not native to their personality and as such, must be learned and practiced.

    The replaying of trauma events causes the same “fight or flight”  physical and chemical response as the original event. The response stops the digestive process and speeds up the body in preparation to run away. When digestion is compromised, a side effect is a reduction of the pancreatic enzymes that are issued to assist in digestion. These enzymes, when your body is performing at a homeostasis level, also circulate in the bloodstream and are one of the components used to dispose of mutant cells.

    Learning to release an emotional event is a skill that will serve you for the rest of your life. My favorite sets of tools for releasing are Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), The Release Technique, and The Sedona Method. They each provide all you need to learn and master emotional releasing when you practice and repeat the process. Start by making your list of all the events that you can think of that might be included in the “trauma” category. When you practice working your way through the list you will witness the stress numbers get lower.

    In a few weeks, you will come to events on your list that cause you to think “I wonder why I have this on my list?” At this point, you have trained yourself to release. Well done and congratulations. Dale Maxwell, Disease Recovery Coach




  • I am feeling weakness little bit, it is going to be end of second week.

    P.  B. Asks Dale

    I am feeling weakness little bit; it is going to be the end of the second week.

    Checklist of things to consider when you are feeling weakness.

    • Is this a case of liver overflow? If so you are not doing enough coffee enemas, or they are not effective. You may take a maximum of five coffee enemas per day.
    • Consume 8 ounces of beet juice or whole beets each day (more is ok, watch for your poop and urine to be pink to know you are taking in plenty). The purpose of consuming beets is to thin the bile, which allows for a more successful release of toxins when you do the coffee enemas.
    • Are you consuming enough calories to fuel your body? It is not uncommon to lose your appetite; again this is a sign of liver overflow.
    • Find the correct balance of vegetables, starches, and fruits to satisfy your needs. Each person has their specific needs (that change from time to time) and you may need to adjust your diet to find what you require today.
    • Food preparation: at this stage in your recovery you may need to augment the parts of digestion that chewing and the stomach perform by using a mechanical device such as a VitaMix to help release the nutrients from the food.
    • Example Vitamix Food Preparation instructions. 
    • You should be logging in a journal all that you consumed in weight and how it was prepared and how you felt after consuming it. Then, every day before deciding what you are going to eat, consult your notes and try to make better food choices.



  • Stages of cancer and why should I care?

    Vince stimulated by desire to write about  “Staging”

    The “Stages of Cancer” are ambiguous and not uniformly measurable.

    Cancer stage grouping

    Doctors combine the T,N,M results to determine the stage of cancer for each person. Most cancers have four stages: stages I (one) to IV (four). Some cancers also have a stage 0 (zero).

    Stage 0. This stage describes cancer in situ, which means “in place.” Stage 0 cancers are still located in the place they started and have not spread to nearby tissues. This stage of cancer is often highly curable, usually by removing the entire tumor with surgery.

    Stage I. This stage is usually a small cancer or tumor that has not grown deeply into nearby tissues. It also has not spread to the lymph nodes or other parts of the body. It is often called early-stage cancer.

    Stage II and III. These stages indicate larger cancers or tumors that have grown more deeply into nearby tissue. They may have also spread to lymph nodes but not to other parts of the body.

    Stage IV. This stage means that the cancer has spread to other organs or parts of the body. It may also be called advanced or metastatic cancer.

    Doctors may use this resource for “guidance:

    Here is my opinion on this

    Doctor Kelley would tell people:

    Only do surgery if the tumor is life threatening (for instance; causing you not to be able to breathe, swallow or is pressing on blood flow to the point of danger)

    Follow the program and the enzymes will digest cancer, and you will recover, it takes between six months and eighteen months in most cases.

    Diet and Lifestyle choices are responsible for the growing epidemic of disease in the “developed” countries.


  • NO OIL! Really, NO oil! Webinar 03/17/16 Dr. McDougall

     Title: NO OIL! Really, NO oil!

    Description: Dr. John McDougall, discusses why we should not use oil of any kind in our foods. He talks about what oil really is and what it does to our bodies.
    Host: Moderator, Gustavo Tolosa, DMA,
    Presenter: Dr. John McDougall, MD
    Recorded: March 17, 2016

    Dale’s observations on the video

    Why no free oil in your diet?

    Oil is a pharmaceutical when it has been extracted. It can even be toxic.

    Address oil directly starting about 6:00 minutes in.

    Consumption has doubled since 1980 and weight has gone up dramatically

    It is not natural to extract the oil from the food. The oil has lost the natural protection of the food  and is in perfect orchestration when if is in the plant.

    • Oil is calorie dense at 9 calories per gram

    • Meat and dairy and sugar 4 per gram

    • Starch is 1 calorie per gram (mostly water and fiber)

    • Animal oils promote cancer in animals in experiments


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    More from Dr. Mcdougall


  • Is the Ketogenic Diet Safe and Does it Stop Cancer

    I have been asked about the Ketosis Diet by several people.

    My concerns with the ketosis diet are the large quality of meat recommended that some people may find hard on their kidneys and which promotes cardiovascular distress.

    I have not found in reading the science to this point compelling evidence to recommend this diet. However if you have a practitioner that is coaching you a medical doctor from somewhere other than the United States and they’re going to keep an eye on you then go ahead.

    If you’re in the United States, I don’t think you’ll find a practitioner that’s a medical doctor that has advised it unless there’s a trial going.

    I do not find the ketogenic diet to compromise the Kelley program and the function of the enzymes. So if you are following a ketogenic diet and you want to add the enzymes, I don’t think there’s a problem.

    I have not found a specific ketogenic diet that I would recommend. There are numerous varieties of the interpretation of how to do it.

    Some research has pointed to cancer success using alternate day restricted calorie diets; this approach is included in many of these diets.

    Since the Ketogenic Diet as a tool for defeating cancer holds little interest to the pharmaceutical industry, little research has been funded.

    I have heard some researchers mention (in passing) that many of the chemotherapy drugs cause so much challenge to digestion that victims stop eating, or cannot keep down the food. They may be keeping down so little calories that the put themselves into  Ketosis. So the thought was that perhaps the success was caused as a side effect of the chemotherapy.

    I would recommend however if you are attempting to follow this ketogenic diet category, please frequently test to confirm that you’re staying in ketosis. Otherwise, you’re just taking and consuming a bad diet.

    I encourage you to continue your quest to recovery.

    Video: Dr. Mercola and Dr. D’Agostino on Ketogenic Diet

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    Nick Gonzales “Does the Ketogenic Diet Cure Cancer” Video Interview

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    Against the Ketogenic Diet:

    I called Michael Vrentas and ask him his opinion and he clearly voiced his experience and option to me.

    1. He has never seen success with this diet.

    2. All the animal consumption take lots and lots of enzymes that would be used to dispatch cancer.

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