If animal products contribute to the growth of cancer then why are these recommended?

Marie asks Dale:

I am confused about the Liver Tablets, 500 mg, 1,000 Capsules and the enzyme and glandular. If animal products contribute to the growth of cancer then why are these recommended?

Blessings, Marie

You assume that all animal products for all people cause cancer to grow.

The liver capsules (originally raw liver was used when it was safe and available) have frequently been used by Max Gerson, MD and by Dr William Donald Kelley, DDS as part of the protocol.

Liver is used to provide the B Vitamins and some Iron. Strict Vegans should supplement these. If they don’t supplement; they may become anaemic and weak.

When you read Dr. Kelley’s book, you will see that he recommends, in the beginning of the Kelley protocol, no meat, then later, a little is okay for some people.

Please do not hesitate to ask me any question via Skype or the message link in the lower right-hand corner of the webpage at www.DrKelleyEnzyms.com

Dale Maxwell,

Disease Recovery Coach
