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Should I get vaccinated for Flu? I hear they are bad
Joe Asks Dale:
Should I get vaccinated for Flu? I hear they are bad, I want to protect my family, but I have many reservations.
Some thoughts to consider:
The manufacturer has absolute immunity from liability due to a law that protects them.
This free pass has multiplied the number of inoculations that have and are being developed.
The theory if that the vaccine will stimulate your immune response to give you some immunity to the specific strain they are guessing will be running around. Historically the guess about as well as the weather forecasters.
The additional hazards:
- The mercury (poison except when used in vaccines LOL) to give the product shelf life.
- The GMO fed hens that produce the eggs the vaccine is grown on.
- The possible miss handling of the vaccine during manufacturer and distribution.
- The possibility you are part of another WHO mass experiment.
Too many potentials for damage in my opinion
Resources to review:
GMO in Vaccines